Chapter 27

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Rose smiled softly at the Goddess laying beside her. It was the first time in a long time that she actually felt content with where she was and what was happening. With Dragoon on their side, there was no way anything could ever go wrong. At the same time, she knew her family would always be safe because of her.

She gently touched the dragon's cheek, tracing her fingertips over the soft skin of her heroine.

"Can't sleep?" Dragoon whispered, opening her eyes to look up at Rose who was still looking down at her with admiration.

"How could I? I've much to think about."

"You've simply regained your throne." Dragoon answered. "Myra deserves her peace and happiness. It doesn't make sense to have her ruling Exodious when you have so much more practice at it."

"I'm glad. I only wish they could have enjoyed more of their childhood." Rose confessed.

Dragoon sat up to look down at Rose, where she studied the vampire's face. "They still have a few thousand years to continue to do so."

"I know. But even still. Many of those years were taken from them because we forced them to fight."

Dragoon smiled. "We never forced them. Everything they did up until now was always their own choices. They could have said no at any time, and they always knew that. They did what they did because they wanted to. Because they knew it was the right thing to do."

"You make it sound so easy."

"Everyone who's ever been in this castle has always had a choice on whether or not to fight or to live a peaceful life. Alexis could have left at any time, you would never have forced her to stay. But she wanted to help Myra however she could. She never had to become a Shade, but she wanted to so she could help even more. Kira and Alison could have left for the human world, but they wanted to stay here and help protect this world and their family however they could. Nyx could have remained hidden from the world, but she came to help you because she knew it was the best path. You say we forced them to fight for us, but we never really told them they had to do anything. We only ever asked."

"I only ever asked you mean." Rose raised an eyebrow. "If I recall, you were trapped in a sword this whole time."

"And bound to you." Dragoon scoffed.

"But in the sword nonetheless."

"Perhaps. But perhaps I was always awake in all parts of Gleipnir. But that's something you'll never know."

"Did Gleipnir ever really work?" Rose questioned.

"If I told you it did would you believe me?"

"If it didn't, then you simply watched as evil tried taking over. Which would have meant you were still trying to decide if we were worth saving. In that case, what would have changed you mind?"

Dragoon paused for a moment, as if in thought. "Watching heroes from all over come together to fight something they knew they had no chance of defeating simply because it was the right thing to do."

Rose sighed and leaned her head back. "We had no chance huh?"

"Mars was the God of Pestilence. Anything he touched was swallowed by disease and destruction. He swallowed light and filled it with a poisonous miasma of death." Dragoon explained. "It was something that only reality itself could destroy, not Chaos or Order. Chaos can only cause slight adjustments to something whose sole purpose is annihilation." Dragoon explained.

"So without your intervention we would have been as good as dead then?"

"It's likely." Dragoon shrugged. "It may have taken centuries, but eventually his corruption would reach all corners of Exodious and it would be nothing but decay."

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