Chapter 17

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"Has anyone figured anything out yet?" Myra questioned, standing in front of the map table. "There has to be something we can do right?"

Rose sighed deeply. Although she was well rested and felt better than she had in days, this conversation was stressful, and that made it tiresome. "No. It's difficult to open someone else's pocket dimension."

"But Zia can open it." Akiya grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest.

"We're not Zia." Nokiya answered.

"But maybe we can use her somehow?" Alexis offered.

Rose seemed to ponder this. "We'd need something that she'd want. To get her attention."

"We could make a formal challenge?" Akiya noted.

Rose shook her head. "Neither Mars nor Zia would ever accept it again. They don't know that Ragnarok is dead yet, so they would never trust us to not use him."

"Well what if we send someone into their pocket dimension?" Myra asked.

"That would be suicide!" Nokiya retorted. "Whomever we send would never return!"

"We don't have another way to get into the dimension." Myra snapped. "We need someone in there to be able to find it."

"They would never accept. That would be the first thing they'd think of when we send someone in." Rose waved them off.

"I know one thing that would get Zia's attention." Minerva muttered.

"She'll never agree to that." Rose looked at her in almost shock.

"But what if it works?"

"It doesn't matter if it works, she'll never agree."

"Who won't agree? Zia?" Myra questioned.

"Anikke." Minerva noted. "You could say she's Zia's favorite daughter."

"Favorite one to torment." Rose snapped. "She's your sister."

"Who do you think is talking?!" Minerva growled. "Anikke has done everything in her power to help me with this transition, and I wouldn't throw her under the bus like this without reason. We need Zia to get into Mars' dimension, and the one way to get Zia's attention is if Anikke calls her."

"Zia will never believe that Anikke just suddenly wants to talk to her." Myra added.

"She will if we prove that Aeriin hurt her." Minerva explained.

"Aeriin would never do something to Anikke." Rose retorted.

"But she already did." Minerva answered, putting her hands on the table and looking down with nothing but guilt written on her face. "You must have sensed it at the Ball... and when Ani suddenly vanished and Aeriin wanted nothing to do with anyone for the rest of the night. "

"It's none of our business." Akiya growled.

"It's not. But its a way we can get in."

"Zia would have noticed the same thing at the ball. And seeing them back together would make it difficult to play this off." Rose explained.

"But we could play it off as if it happened a second time. Zia is too simple minded. She thinks that our kinds can't co-exist and so she'd think that Aeriin would most definitely do it again."

"But she'd never do it again." Myra snapped.

"We know that but Zia is to confident in her stupid ways." Minerva explained. "Let me talk to Anikke."

"Minerva you can't just-"

"I know how it sounds!" Minerva snapped, slamming her fist into the table hard enough to crack the wood. "She's my sister, and I don't want to put her through that again! But it's the fastest way to get that bitch to come to us! We can't just keep waiting for her to screw up, it won't work!"

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