Chapter 22

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"Are we there yet?" Nyx whined.

"I will punch you in the face." Nora growled.

"It'd be more entertaining than this ride." The baital retorted. "Can't we just- FUCK!"

Enya looked over her shoulder finding that Devin had slammed her fist into Nyx's ribs, twisting her fist into the demon's side.

"Nyx. When someone threatens to punch you, you best shut the fuck up." Devin warned.

"Okay okay! Jesus christ!" Nyx whined. Devin pulled away and rolled her eyes. "Next time I'm going to stab you."

Nyx rubbed her side with a grumble. "You're the worst."

"Then why did you let me become immortal?" Devin raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't. My mother did." Nyx retorted.

Devin held up a small steel dagger and Nyx's mouth snapped shut before she turned her head and watched the world pass by around the carriage.

Enya face palmed and turned back to the road, gripping the reins tightly. "Keep this up and we're going to need to turn Devin to make this work." Enya sighed.

"No thanks." Devin waved her off, sheathing the dagger in her boot.

"Why do you have a regular old dagger anyway? Demons can just heal." Aeriin questioned.

"It's for Nyx. When she pisses me off." Devin answered.

Anikke cringed. "You stab your girlfriend?"

"Only when she gets really bad." Devin shrugged.

"There's laws against that kind of relationship Nyx." Anikke called.

"Tell me where I can go. I fear for my life." Nyx called, holding her hands together like she was begging for help as she spoke with nothing but sarcasm in her voice.

"You're such a dick." Devin rolled her eyes.

"You literally stab me." Nyx growled.

"I will do it." Devin warned.

"Has your relationship improved or worsened?" Aeriin questioned.

"Since the guild tried to kill her? Of course." Devin confessed. "But there's ups and downs to any relationship."

"Eh..." Anikke shrugged. "Mine's pretty good."

"I can agree." Aeriin agreed.

"What about you two?" Nyx called looking over at Enya and Nora who were seated next to each other on the bench directing the horses.

"What about us?" Enya questioned.

"How's your relationship?" Anikke asked.

"We're not together." Nora answered.

The four in the back paused before they all jumped towards the front of the carriage to hear the conversation better.

"How can the two of you not be together?" Anikke questioned. "You literally share a brain."

"And a body." Nyx added.

"We each have our own bodies thank you very much." Enya rolled her eyes.

"You feel what the other does don't you!?" The baital questioned.

"Well yeah, but that's because of our minds being linked." Nora shrugged.

"Then you share a body." Aeriin noted.

"Whatever you say." Enya sighed.

"Then you couldn't date anyone else because you'll feel and see what the other does." Nyx explained.

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