Chapter 11

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"Why can't you come?" Kai whined, her Zealot holding her close.

"If we go then Ragnarok will order us against you, and we'll kill you." Chysolite told her. "So all of us are going to Rose's pocket dimension. Once Ragnarok is dealt with she'll summon us back."

"Let me go with you." Kai whimpered.

"Kai..." Chysolite sighed. "You can't. You have to stay here and help them."

"I'm useless without you! Please let me go with you."

"Kai, you're well old enough to not need a babysitter. Blind or not you're just as powerful as your mother."

There was a knock on the door behind them. "Finish up there guys. We need to head to the human world now." Came Mikky's voice.

"Chysolite please..." Kai whimpered.

Chysolite lifted her chin and kissed her. The fox's ears flattened against the top of her head. "I'll be back before you know it. I love you."

Kai rubbed her eyes like a child but nodded anyway.

"You're not gonna say it back?" Chysolite laughed.

"I don't need to say it if you already know." Kai retorted.

"And you're mad cuz I won't take you with me. But we're bound at the soul, so our thoughts are still connected. I'll still be able to talk to you." Chysolite told her. "Now go get ready to beat the shit out of Ragnarok."

Kai turned her back to the Zealot and exited the room, following her mother towards the armory where her gear was.

After gearing up they met Akiya and Nokiya in the portal room, their companions in their weapon forms. Ariadne stood beside Nokiya who's arms were crossed over her chest looking confident.

"I'll keep Ragnarok from moving very fast." Aria explained.

"You sure you can summon enough plants in the desert to keep him pinned?" Akiya asked.

Aria raised an eyebrow. "Did Rose not tell you?"

"Tell me what?" Akiya tilted her head.

Akeno made her way over with Anikke and Aeriin. "We're using a pocket dimension." Akeno explained. "One donated by the Wizard's Tower."

"Who's maintaining it?" Nokiya asked.

"Aileena and Isirona, the two Sentinals of the Keepers." Akeno explained. "Their going to sustain it while we enter it, and allow Mikky to pull Ragnarok in where they'll seal him in for us to defeat him.

"Ai is helping?" Kai asked.

"And her sister has turned from her project to help us." Akeno smiled.

"What kind of project is she working on?" Mikky asked.

"That's a story for another day I'm afraid. We should get started ASAP." Ani interjected. "We need Ragnarok out of the way so we can give Mars our undivided attention."

"This seems backward doesn't it?" Nokiya asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, shouldn't Ragnarok be the final boss?"

"This isn't a game." Akiya rolled her eyes.

"You know what I mean." Nokiya scoffed.

"Ragnarok is more important though. If he gets free it's over." Kai noted.

"I know. But still..."

"Doesn't matter who's ass it is, as long as it gets kicked." Anikke smiled. "Let's get on with this shall we?"

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