Chapter 14

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Kira stared at the vampire in front of her. She knew for a fact she was the second oldest person in this castle, maybe even Exodious itself. But she knew her kin here were mighty powerful.

She flexed her fingers, preparing herself for what came next.

Nyx blinked and Kira had vanished, reappearing at her left only to be stopped as she punched into a barrier. The purple magic sparked with electricity as Nyx side stepped, turning to face the threat.

"It reacts without you?" Kira questioned.

"Maybe I had it up the whole time?" Nyx offered.

Devin crossed her legs and leaned back against the wall of the arena as she sat on the bench. Nuada was lying beneath said bench watching her master fight.

"She excels at one on one battles. But she can deal with a ton of people at once too." Devin explained. "Watch yourself Kira, she learns quickly."

Kira stepped back and raised her fists, watching the purple magic swirl in a bubble around Nyx who smirked. Her violet eyes were both beautiful and threatening.

The Nightshade couldn't help but smile at her opponent. "I'm not used to fighting a magic user."

"Would you prefer fisticuffs?" Nyx asked.

"I would, but that's only because I'd be better."

Devin cringed from the sidelines, but said nothing. Kira however took note of this, glancing at the human before turning back to the succubus in front of her. She watched her curiously, noting that her stance was unique as far as mages go. She was braced, almost low to the ground, like she was ready to take a blow.

Could she change from melee to magic so easily?

Zoe? Kira called out in thought.

I'm watching it. I'll block offensive spells for you and keep an eye on her stance for you. Just don't get hit. If she's a Daybreaker then she'll definitely hit harder than you. Zoe warned.

Thanks for the vote of confidence. Kira rolled her eyes. Let's keep using speed against her. There has to be a weak point in that field.

If there is one then it's probably somewhere you can't hit without her being able to block. Zoe corrected. But I don't think she'd be dumb enough to leave one if she's been practicing her spells for this long.

Kira clenched her jaw. Her shade had a point. If you have millions of years to perfect spells, defensive spells would have gotten most of her attention. It's likely that she'd have mastered this bubble to keep herself safe from harm.

Kira vanished again, and Nyx held her arms out to reinforce her shield which withstood Kira's next blow with ease, getting her to growl.

Nyx smiled in understanding. The young vampire was completely dependent on her speed. She was proud of herself being the fastest vampire in the world, and she made sure everyone knew it. Nyx decided to play with her a bit.

Kira stepped back then kicked out, smashing her foot against the shield causing it to crack, with sparks of electricity jumping out and fading into the air. Kira smirked, but then paused, noticing that Nyx's expression had not changed. Was this what she wanted?

Her eyes went to Devin who didn't seem to be that worried. Hell, even her dog didn't seem too intimidated.

Her foot was still planted against the shield as she looked back at Nyx.

She's smarter than she looks. Kira noted.

Kira quickly switched her feet, slicing through the shield with Zoe's magic before turning to face Nyx who stepped back a bit. Kira then dashed forwards, ready to slam a fist in the succubi's ribs, but the Daybreaker was faster than she looked too.

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