Chapter 10

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Myra curled up in her bed, not really wanting to get up and face the day. She was worried it would be the day they would be fighting for their lives, and so she prefered to keep her head buried under her pillows.

That was pretty much how it was for everyone in the castle, excluding her little sister and her companion.

Enya and Nora found wandering out into the village to be the best course of action, the two of them always finding a quick way to get into trouble. Luckily the rest of the village knew them well, and made sure they didn't.

Nora was leaned over a stall in the marketplace, smiling down at the snow globe with nothing but pure wonder in her eyes and Enya watched her with a smirk. "Why don't you get it?" She asked.

The dragon glanced up at her partner before looking back at the globe. "I have too many trinkets like this in my room."

"I know, I've been in there. But it doesn't mean you can't get it. If you like it, then why don't you?"

Nora smiled softly. "Because I don't need it."


"You're still young Enya. You probably don't understand."

Enya rolled her eyes. "That's your excuse for everything."

The dragon laughed. "But it's true! Just because I like it, doesn't mean that I need it. If all I ate was candy everyday my teeth would fall out. I would love to eat candy all day, but I don't need to."

"I understand." Enya nodded. "Don't worry your pretty head."


The girls made their way around the marketplace, looking from stall to stall before entering a restaurant for lunch. The sun shone in through the window, illuminating the entire room without the need for candles or lights.

The restaurant was rather large, and was filling in pretty quickly. Had they been a minute later they wouldn't have been able to get their seats.

The faded red leather on the benches complimented the mahogany tables and chairs. Everything just seemed so colorful yet delicately crafted. Even the silverware was embroidered with intricate symbols and designs meant to make you look at your surroundings rather than dine and dash.

Such care went into crafting this facility that Nora couldn't help but smile at the craftmanship.

"Do you want to go to the garden after?" Enya asked.

"I'd like that." Nora smiled. They ordered their food and ate with minimal conversation. After all, their thoughts were basically shared, and they often found that their conversations were instantaneous and subconscious.

Just as they were finishing up, there was a loud crash from outside the building. Enya set a gold coin on the table before the two of them jumped to their feet and rushed out of the store. They found a vampire, pinning a guard to a stall, hissing and roaring at him as the guard used a staff to push the vampire's neck back, holding their face away.

"Leave him alone!" Enya roared, Nora at her side, ready to attack if necessary.

The vampire moved to the side, allowing the guard to fall off the stall as he was leaned mostly on it's edge. He then stepped away and aimed his staff at the vampire. "You're under arrest for assault and thievery!"

The vampire hissed back. "You hide behind your laws and order like they can protect you with honor alone!" She roared, her clothing torn and aged like she had been living in a ditch somewhere.

Bronze eyes. Nora thought, watching the vampire for any signs of attack.

Stargazer vampire. Not one of Minerva's. Enya added.

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