Chapter 20

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Alison sighed deeply, looking through their bedroom window and down into the garden. Kira was seated at her piano, where she was when Enya had explained the plan to them. Nora decided to wait outside.

The werewolf turned and looked at Enya who was seated on the bed watching her, knowing that it was the wolf she would have to convince more so than the vampire. While Kira was protective, she understood the limits and how her children could easily break them. Alison however, even after all these years still worried about her children.

"You're absolutely sure?" Alison asked, her expression and voice filled with nervousness. "You thought everything out?"

"Yes." Enya answered, her eyes never leaving her mother's.

"How are Aeriin and Devin not going to alert Zia?" Alison asked.

"They will pretend to be enthralled to Nyx. She's going to use an Impulse spell to make them feel the need to obey her words, but allow them to resist if they need to. They're going to practice using it on the way to Jotenheim."

"And Nyx fits in how?"

"She's going to pose as an Old Blooded Biatal. One who wants to see the times where vampires were superior. In doing so she'll have Aeriin and Devin at her beck and call. We'll say she used them to help fight Anikke, since she didn't want to hurt her lover."

"That's actually a pretty good plan. Nyx smells like a Daybreaker, so she should be able to pull it off. She doesn't have the kind of personality most of us do." Kira noted. "If she believes she's right, she'll fight tooth and nail for it."

"What about Nyx's dog!?" Alison snapped, trying to find some way to make this fail.

"Nuada is going back to Nyx's parent's house. She doesn't want him to get hurt."

Alison groaned, practically ripping her own hair out which of course got Kira to chuckle. "Face it love, she thought everything through."

"That's what pisses me off!" Alison shouted, lowering her hands and pointing at her daughter, who just watched her calmly. "It's not fair! I feel like a terrible mother, sending my own child to go fight a battle we don't even know if we can win!"

"We can win. There's no way that we can't. You've seen all the people in the castle right now. There's no way anything's going to go wrong." Enya explained.

"So it's just you guys trying to get to Zia then?" Kira questioned.

"Why do you ask?" Enya looked over her shoulder at Kira who had stood up and began walking around the bed towards Alison.

"Well, that's the idea right? We have the numbers, why not use them?"

"What did you have in mind?" Enya asked.

"We obviously can't send everyone to greet Zia, because she would see one Nightshade and try and murder everyone. But there must be other places where groups of us is needed?"

"Myra has decided to send Darcel and her group to Augerheim. Minerva is worried that Zia will want to retake lost ground, so the Angels and Devils are already there. Sarah and Alice have gone to Yeager to try their luck with Merlin's tree one last time. Shana and Xena are with them. Luna is obviously here with Amber, trying their best to help Rose."

"What about Lyall?" Alison asked. "Did you talk to her yet?"

"I think Lyall is here somewhere, at least for now." Enya noted. "But I could be mistaken."

Alison let out another sigh as Kira put a hand on her shoulder. "Okay. Fine. I'll let you go on this crazy mission." Alison grumbled, getting Enya to smile. "Not like saying no would have changed anything though." She added.

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