Chapter 9

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"What are we supposed to do?" Nyx sighed.

"There isn't much you can do." Devin added.

"It's up to them." Akiya shrugged.

"Fuck." Myra groaned.

"Language big sister." Enya smiled.

It was odd seeing Enya look like an adult but act like a child. Then again there wasn't much anyone was able to do at this point.

Nora was leaned against the wall watching the girls stand outside Rose's room as the gods, goddesses and Zealot's spoke, and attempted to strengthen the seal on the veil.

Mikky was sitting on the bench, her head in her hands with Kai seated beside her, a hand on her shoulder. Nebit was in Kai's lap, looking at their stepmother with a worried expression.

"How could I have been so stupid." The Fate Weaver muttered.

"None of this is your fault Mikky." Nokiya told her as she crossed her arms over her chest. "This is Ragnarok's fault. We trusted him."

"So it's settled then, he's the bad guy in all this?" Camila asked.

"It would seem so." Aria nodded. "He manipulated all of us into thinking he had changed, but the reality was that he had done no such thing."

"So how do we stop something that can change how we think, and how reality works?" Akiya asked.

"The veil keeps him from being able to manipulate us properly. It's like a filter that keeps most of his power out." Anikke told them. "As long as the Veil holds, we can prevent him from causing harm to us."

"But that's just putting a bandage over the problem." Nyx told her. "We need to actually deal with him."

"What can we do? He has control over whatever worlds he creates." Devin noted.

"What if we weren't in his world. What if we hid the same way Mars is?" Aeriin asked.

"How? We can't move Exodious to a pocket dimension. That kind of power only Ragnarok would have." Mikky sighed.

"Has he said anything to you since we came to this conclusion?" Akiya asked.

"Not a word." Mikky groaned. "Then again, there isn't much he could say to change my mind after all that's happened. When even his own creations want to kill him there's not much else that can be done."

"So their strengthening the veil to buy us some time right?" Devin asked. "Then we should be focusing on stopping Mars."

"Stopping him? If Mars is trying to create a world to hide from Ragnarok then he's not the bad guy." Akiya grumbled.

"He's using Zia to kill everyone who doesn't bend to him." Nokiya snapped.

"He's not totally evil." Akiya shrugged.

"You guys are idiots." Mari face palmed.

"Maybe..." Enya seemed to be in thought.

"What's on your mind?" Myra questioned.

"What? Nothing. It was just a thought."

"We could use those." Kai offered.

"Well... Mars already has a pocket world he's trying to use. What if he's trying to consume Exodious with his world? Maybe we can take it over instead, before he can?"

"Even if that was possible, what's stopping him from just killing us? He's a True God remember?" Nokiya sighed.

"Is he?" Mari questioned. "He said he got his power my earning it. Which means he's not actually a True God. He's just powerful enough where people think he is."

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