Chapter 24

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When Enya stepped through the portal, she found the landscape exactly as she expected.

The ground was black, covered in what appeared to be a rotting moss. The trees were dead and black vines were tightly woven around them like they were draining their life away. There was a path before them that led to a crumbling castle made of black bricks. It looked like it was painted with shadows.

"Somehow I knew he'd be depressing as shit." Anikke grumbled.

Another portal opened beside them and Dragoon stepped out followed by Rose who appeared to be doing much better.

"Grandmother? Where is everyone else?" Enya asked.

"It will just be us I'm afraid." Rose answered. "Dragoon and I will deal with Mars."

"But, you're ill!" Enya shouted.

Rose smiled softly, a familiar sight that Enya missed so much. "I'm much better now, and I intend to have far more than just words with Mars."

"You're going to fight him with Dragoon?" Nyx asked. "But Mars has an army in there! You'll be killed!"

"Mars doesn't have Dragoon." Rose noted, getting the dragon to glare at her.

"What do you- wait... she isn't." Nyx's eyes widened in realization before she face palmed. "I can't believe I missed that, god am I stupid as shit."

"What just happened?" Anikke questioned.

"Our dearest Dragoon is the true Ragnarok, and I intend to have her remind him who's world this truly is." Rose explained.

"If you could have stopped him this whole time why didn't you!" Anikke asked.

"What kind of story would that be?" Dragoon shrugged. "Interfering with your wars is what got me sealed in the first place. It took me a while to get over the fear of it happening again."

"And it took me time to get over sending everyone I cared for into battle." Rose confessed. "But with Dragoon at my side, everyone will be far safer."

"I'm not going to let you fight him alone!" Enya shouted getting Rose to laugh.

"I'm not alone."

"Even still! It's not fair!"

"Enya's right! You don't have to do this alone, we can help you." Aeriin offered.

"If I allowed you to go in there, and you got hurt I'd never forgive myself." Rose confessed.

"That's not your decision to make!" Enya shouted. "If we want to help protect our own lives then you have no right to stop us!"

The main gate to the castle opened, and several dragons came charging out with their weapons drawn. They charged towards the group, roaring in rage before Anikke's lightning struck the crowd and spread to all of them before they dropped dead. Their armor smoking as they were cooked inside their suits.

"Well, they know we're here." Aeriin sighed. "We're coming with you Rose, you can't stop us."

"I could." Rose admitted. "I could simply push you into the portal behind you."

"Will you?" Enya snapped, stepping forward. "I'd hate you for doing it!"

"That might be so, but you'd be alive." The ancient vampire confessed. "I know not who will die today, but I know someone will if they follow me in. Please, go home. Be safe." Rose's eyes were filled with nothing but love.

"Sorry Rose. Not gonna happen." Nyx smiled, crossing her arms over her chest. "We're staying."

Rose sighed deeply, but as she moved Nyx's Glepnir wrapped around her, binding her with ease. Rose blinked before glaring. "You expected this, didn't you?"

Ragnarok (Lesbian Story, OLD)Where stories live. Discover now