Chapter 13

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Akeno was sitting beside Mikky who was still unconscious.

After the battle the strings of Fate had been violently torn from both she and Kai. Luckily Kai wasn't as connected to them, but Mikky was very dependent on them. She wasn't immortal anymore, and the wounds Ragnarok had inflicted were life threatening.

Aria and Camelia were healing her as much as they could, but nearly every bone in her body was broken, but they had stepped out for the moment to rest.

It wasn't looking good.

Akeno was leaned on the bed, and her face was buried in the sheets which were soaked with her tears.

Kai was seated beside Chysolite who had returned along with the other Zealots. They had already started trying to break their way back into their home world.

Rose stepped into the room, putting her hand on Akeno's shoulder followed by Juno who nodded to the vampire. Aeriin stood behind them with her arms behind her back.

"We have a solution." Rose confessed, getting Akeno to look up at her. "We have to get Pancea into her body, otherwise she's going to die. But the only way to give it to her is through blood, and since she's a lattamer she can't absorb blood the same way we can."

"You have to make her a vampire." Akeno noted.

"It will be temporary. Pancea will reverse it completely, and she'll be immortal again. But she needs vampirism to absorb it enough to help her survive this."

"Why are you telling me this?" Akeno rubbed her eyes.

"I need your permission. I can't force that kind of suffering on someone when they're not here to make the decision." She shook her head.

Akeno nodded slightly. "Save my Mikky. Please."

Juno turned to Chysolite and Kai. "You two should leave. Mikky will loose control quickly and attack the first person she sees. Plus... the transformation will not be pleasant to watch."

Kai nodded and the two of them stood up before following Juno out.

"Aeriin, stand beside the bed please, in front of Akeno." Rose told her.

Aeriin smiled softly at the Fire Fox before gently taking her hand as she stood in front of her. "She'll be fine."

"I'm staying."

"We never asked you to leave." Rose smiled softly. "But you will not enjoy watching."

"Save her."

Rose leaned over the cat woman and sunk her teeth into the girl's neck. Mikky's eyes quickly shot opened and she screamed. Akeno went to step forward but Aeriin pulled the woman against her body trying to pin her.

Mikky's body was too broken to move, but it was clear that she was trying to get away from the pain. As Rose leaned back Mikky's eyes started turning red, like someone was injecting the color into them. As she yelled Akeno could see the fangs growing in her mouth.

She clenched her jaw, trying to resist this new feeling in her body. Akeno covered her own mouth trying to hide her crushing sorrow.

Rose put a hand on Mikky's cheek, turning her head to look into her eyes. "I know this is painful. But in a minute or so you will need to bite someone. If you bite Aeriin, you will be cured of vampirism and you will heal. You will be immortal, and you will once again be fine. We'll never have to do this again, and you'll be able to get up. I need you to trust me okay? Can you do that? I know it hurts, but please trust me."

Mikky's jaw was clenched so tight Akeno wondered if her fangs had stabbed through, but the cat managed a small nod.

"Bare with it a bit longer. Just a bit more." Rose smiled weakly, like she was filled with nothing but regret.

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