Chapter 4

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Nyx was laying happily on a big fluffy bed. Although she enjoyed living in a normal home, enjoying the luxuries of a castle always made her feel amazing. Devin was standing at the foot of the bed undressing, and getting ready for bed while Nuada was laying on the floor beside Nyx.

"Why are you getting into pajamas?" Nyx questioned.

"Because it's late." Devin answered.

"You don't want to have sex in a guest bed?"

"Nyx." Devin turned and glared at her lover. "There's a lot that I'll do for you, but having sex in someone else's house is not one of them."

"You had sex in my house."

"It's your house!" Devin retorted. "I'm not going to have sex in Rose's castle!"

Nyx rolled her eyes. "I'm sure they expected it from me and the other Succubus here."

"Then you need to show them that you're better than that." Devin answered.

"I'm a lustful Baital. I need your-"


"I was going to say body." Nyx held up her hands in defeat. "At least snuggle with me."

"I'm wearing clothes."

"I don't need you naked to love you." Nyx smiled.

Devin laughed and climbed in the bed beside her Baital, and snuggled into her side. Nyx pulled the blankets over them and practically purred. "Do you like being in the castle?" Devin asked.

"I do. I don't think I could stay here forever, but I enjoy being pampered every once in awhile." Nyx nodded.

"I agree." Devin smiled. "But I've never experienced being pampered by people other than you. So I find it unique and interesting."

"I wonder what kind of trouble this Mars is going to cause."

"Why think about that now?"

"Rose has never needed my help before." Nyx answered. "Yet she's known the whole time that I'm of decent strength. While not physically strong like most Daybreakers, my magic would probably be on par with a Stargazer. So I could have helped keep Mars's barrier away from the human world, but she didn't even mention it to me. Now all of a sudden she requests the help of everyone she could."

"You have a point." Devin sighed. "It does sound kinda worrying."

"According to Anikke, most of the other Stargazers, excluding Minerva are still preventing any access to the Human Realm, and holding back Mars's spells. So the Human World is still safe for now."

"Well that's good. I wouldn't want to head home only to find the entire world burning. I actually like our house."

"I wonder what Rose is thinking." Nyx sighed. "I suppose everything will turn out okay either way."

"Rose wouldn't lead us astray after all the effort she takes to make sure we're all safe."

Nyx kissed the top of her Hunter's head. "We'll get to talk to her more in the morning."

"I suppose that's true." Devin nodded.

"Goodnight Devin."

"Night Nyx. Night Nuada."



Anikke allowed her magic to spark in her hands as she studied Nyx's dark aura surrounding her body. She could tell the Baital's magic was ready but she could only see what appeared to be shadows flowing around her body, rather than any actual magic.

Ragnarok (Lesbian Story, OLD)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora