Chapter 25

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Enya stood in the map room beside her sister overlooking the table. Myra looked back up at her before sighing deeply.

"It ended so easily. There's no way it all wrapped up so neatly." Myra noted, her eyes filled with nothing but worry as her younger sister was examining every detail of the table in front of her.

"I don't think it will." Enya confessed, before glancing at her sister then motioning to the table. "Exodious is still fighting with the Old Blooded vampires. Without Zia or Mars to guide them, they're going to take matters into their own hands. Even without them leading their armies, we're still going to have to deal with these rogue attackers."

"Has Rose said anything to you?" Myra questioned.

The young hybrid shook her head. "She was glad that no one was hurt, but Dragoon is having trouble controlling her form so she's helping her with that."

"Controlling her form?" Myra raised an eyebrow.

"Apparently when you're sealed for thousands of years you forget how to control your powers." Enya shrugged. "Thankfully I don't have that problem. What happened to Aviri?"

"We don't know. She has major headaches and is having trouble moving." Myra sighed. "I thought with Rose better we wouldn't have to worry about anyone else getting sick."

"No one knows what it is?"

"Amy thinks maybe she's pregnant. Since her thoughts have to connect to Peredite's for that to happen it could be the reason. But Zealots can't have kids."

"Unless with Dragoon having issues controlling her powers she unintentionally broke the rule?"

"Who knows? If she was pregnant I'm sure they would be ecstatic." Myra smiled softly. "Aviri always wanted kids of her own."

Enya looked back at the table. "Anyways, we're going to want to spread everyone out again to make sure that we cover as much ground as we can. The less room for the Old Bloods to move, the less people are going to die."

"I don't understand why they don't just give up." Myra growled.

"They must know that their masters are dead by now." Enya agreed.

"Well who do you want to send and where do you want to send them?" Athena questioned, moving over to the sisters along with Minerva.

"Do you know of any notable foes?" Myra questioned.

"There's a mage moving towards Yeager, but it's likely that Alice and her family will be more than adequate in dealing with them." Minerva explained, pointing to Yeager on the map.

"Send Diana just in case." Myra ordered. "The more back up they have the better."

"Iodite has gone to Asolfsskali to deal with some shadow dragons." Athena motioned to the Realm of Dragons on the map. "I have no doubts she'll be fine on her own."

"Iodite is more than capable." Enya agreed.

"I had Lyall and Glenda go to Reykjaa in the Realm of Wolves. There's a tomb of the old Dawn clan that I thought she should see." Minerva explained.

"Why didn't you ever send our mother there?" Myra asked as she and Enya looked up at the goddess.

"I did. But Alison didn't want to go. Lyall was born a few years after all the Purebloods were killed, so to her the death of her siblings was a fresh wound. Alison was born far after and so it was never something she wanted to learn of." Minerva shrugged. "I wasn't going to force her to do anything."

"Anything else?" Enya questioned.

"Mikky and Akeno returned to their temple to deal with some rabble in the town. They got a bird telling them something they didn't want to share with the rest of us. Kai and Chysolite left shortly after, but we know not where."

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