First Night at the Hotel

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Of course i shared the rental car with Randy and John back to the hotel and we signed in. I got the key to my room, which was next door to Randys room who he was sharing with sheamus and opposite John who had a room to his self as it was a single room. I didn't know who I was sharing with or whether they would already be there or not. I hugged Randy and John goodnight and was told to meet them outside our rooms at 6:30 the next morning. I opened the door and i relised that there was a bag on the bed... a boyish bag. I set my things down and from the bathroom, Punk stood looking at me. "So you cant get enough of me then can you?" He said with a sly grin on his face. I felt a blush creep onto my face and said "This is my room to apparently" while holding up my key to show him. "haha ok, i have never shared with a Diva before" he laughed. "Well, im going to get ready for bed" i told him.

I went into the bathroom and laughed, what the hell was going on. I brushed my hair leaving it wavy. I cleaned my face and got rid of the make-up. I felt a bit embarrassed about wearing my night dress in front of Punk. It was white and floaty and didn't reach my knee's. Oh well i though, i will just have to make do. I put it on and opened the bathroom door. Punk was sat on his bed with his iphone in his hands, he quickly looked up at me , then had to do a double take. I just smiled and walked to my bed at got my iphone out. I could hear voices next door, raised voices, and apparently Punk could too. "Wait here" He said to me protectively, but i couldn't just sit and wait. He opened the door and i followed so he glared at me in a nice way. Is there a nice way to glare? i thought to myself. Outside Cody Rhodes stood infront of my uncles room shouting at him. "You know i will do it, I will break her so bad and it will be all your fault" He yelled. Punk turned to push me back in the room away from Cody but he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room. I panicked and swung around and kicked him in the face with all the stregnth i could get. He was knocked clean out and lay unmoving on the floor. I looked and Randy and Punk gaped at me. "Erm... What the hell was that about?" i asked Uncle Randy. "He was trying to threaten me, by hurting you, but i said i wouldnt let him do tha...Wait... Why are you two sharing a room?" He said getting angry and red in the face. "Wow, Randy, we were given a room to share, nothing is going on behind closed doors, honest" Punk said and i laughed. But Randy looked at what i was wearing nd stormed into Johns room.

I was about to fall asleep when the room door caved in, John looked sheepish when he saw me and Punk in our own separate beds. "Sorry bout that" he mumbled and picked the door back up. Then i fell into a deep dreamless sleep, without putting my alarm clock on.

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