Chapter LII

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MY BODY IS STIFF as they strap me down to the chair that I "sleep" in

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MY BODY IS STIFF as they strap me down to the chair that I "sleep" in.
    They only have to use two troopers because of the injection they gave me.
    They clamp the cuffs tighter then usual as it tries to remember what the troopers look like so I can get pay back.
    Phasma walks into the room and she motions with her head for the troopers to leave.
   Once they are gone her posture  slouches and she take off her helmet. She looks at me and then looks away. She then begins to circle around the room thinking. My eyes follow her every move.
   I feel the stuff they give me wear off and it can finally move again. It flex my muscles trying to break the cuffs off but they are too tight.
    "SN." Phasma vices sounds from behind me. It balls my fists up.
   "What you did today is unexceptable. We can not have you breaking our base. You are out of control and frankly more effort then we want."
   "You made me who I am. So who's unexceptable now?" My voice drips with venom as Phasma walks around the chair and faces me. Her face is sad but angry.
   "I did not choose this life for you! You let the Enhancement consume you. You let power take over common sense! You know nothing but killing!" Phasma pale complexions become red with frustration.
   "I know nothing! Ha I know more than you will ever know!" I become angry knowing that if there wasn't restraints Phasma would be dead.
    "I know nothing? I know nothing! You come from nothing! Your dad was a traitor and your mom a rebel scum just like you!" Phasmas anger turns to worry after she realized what she said. She quickly begins to circle my chair once more hoping I didn't catch what she said.
   "What did you say?" Why would Phasma bring up my parents? I thought I didn't have any.
    "Nothing. There is nothing more to hear. I was angry and I lied. We took you from a junk yard. You had no family."
    Even though she says this some how I know she is lying. My whole demeanor is quiet and still as it sits thinking.
   Phasma comes back around the chair and kneels in-front if me.  "SN I want to help you. But you need to help yourself first. The commanders they all believe you are to dangerous to have around. They want to kill you."
   My head whips towards Phasma the Enhancement wants to live it doesn't want to die so it quiet downs.
   "I don't want that to happen.  After all my hard work. After all your hard work. You can't just die." Though I feel like being locked in a cage and would rather die then be with the Enhancement anymore. Phasma looks at me in a way only mothers could and I know if I give up she would be devastated.
The look I give her makes her continue. "Mine superiors said that if I can prove that you are sane and not the lunatic people make you out to be. Then maybe. Just maybe you will live."
"What do I have to do?"
"Today not to long I have a meeting with the commanders. I will bring you with me. I want to to be quiet but alert and show them that you are worth their time."
I think over what she says. Even though the Enhancement wants nothing to do with anyone that is inferior to It. It agrees to be calm for a little.
"It's a little hard to do that if I am strapped in theses restraints."
Phasma clicks a button and my limbs are released. It instantly jumps out of the seat and run to the door. But then stop sending Phasma tense up. It faces her and rubs my wrists wear red marks begin to form from the cuffs.
"Well." It say sarcastically gesturing towards the door. Phasma places her helmet back in and steps out the door. It follows her suit.
"I will be back here in 30 minutes. Not later or earlier."
It doesn't respond to her as I walk to my bedroom door and slam it shut.
It begins to mutter to myself. "Be sensible. You are nothing. Don't be insane. Please like she know what I am going through." I walk to my closest and pull out the familiar sliver case.
I easily heave it down from the shaft and bring it to my bed. I click open the clamps as the top pops open.
The first thing Phasma gave me when I got back was my armor. She said they found it on the shuttle and repaired it. It runs my fingers over the patch that is slightly redder then the rest of the armor. Then my eyes focus on two small dents. They to are also a different red. They look like knife punctures but I don't recall getting stabbed. It must have come from the Cardinal. The previous owner of this armor.
As it straps on the armor I find myself thinking of who this Cardinal is. All I Know is he was a great Storm Trooper.
Though my thoughts want to find out more. It thinks that it is a waste of time to learn anything that isn't battle strategy so I won't be learning about the Cardinal anytime soon.
It grabs my cape throwing it over my shoulder and place the helmet over my head.
It walks out and Phasma is already there waiting for me. She has two big blasters in her hands. My hands become itchy wanting to feel the cold metal of the dangerous metal.
With out saying anything it snatches the weapon away. It has no respect for feelings or what is right and wrong. Though i can feel Phasma is a little annoyed with my greedy actions she tries not to pay much mind to it.
"Now listen. Even though you have a blaster you will not be aloud to use it."
It stare at the weapon with a smirk.
"Do you understand."
"Yes Captain" it says but I know it's not completely true.
We walk to the door. Freedom is in the other side of that wall. It becomes jumpy as anticipation eats away at me.
Phasma looks back at me once more almost like she is regretting letting me. Out.
It grows impatient. "Oh open up the door already!"
"We will have to fix your mouth. You will not speak to your captain like that. You are disrespectful to me and if any commander here you talk to me like that then you will no doubt be floating with the space trash."
It shuts up even though it wants to be the last one to say something.
The door opens and I become numb to my surroundings. It wants to so badly run off and destroy something. It takes the looks passing people give me as a challenge. My body itches to throw anyone, who dares look at me, against the wall. To hear their pain and beg for mercy. I try to eliminate those thoughts. If it am going to fit in I have to calm down.
It could easily overpower anyone on the ship and that makes me cocky as I find myself walking in front of Phasma. She taps my shoulder and it realizes what I am doing so it stops and lets her pass leading the way once more.
When we get to the door. About a dozen troopers stand guard.
It sneers at each one under my mask. Even though they can't see my face they heard stories of me and what I can do. This makes them Shrink back as it struts past them.
The door opens on command. And Phasma stood at the door way.
"Ah Captain Phasma. Welcome." I hear a voice say. Phasma walks in stepping aside. I take this as my cue to walk in. Once my presences enters the room the atmosphere becomes static with tension. All of the commander hold their breath as it notices the slightest tilt in their posture trying to creat space between them and the so call "insane trooper".
The only one who doesn't take me as a threat stands up. They are cloaked in black. A silver and black helmet rests on their head as both hands push on the table to stand.
"SN2198." Their metallic voice breaths.


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