Chapter XXIII

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I WAKE UP with a groan using my arms to push myself off the bed

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I WAKE UP with a groan using my arms to push myself off the bed. My arms begin to shake as the sore muscles burn. I pull myself off the bed and walk to the shower knowing that the only way to get past the soreness is to push through the pain.
     As the warm water runs down my body I close my eyes as flashes of the eyes of the innocent child flash through my mind. Their screams echo through my head as I turn the shower off. I try to ignore the constant sound of their pleas. reminding myself that this is what I was meant to do. To show no mercy no matter who i have to kill but every time my thoughts travel back to they didn't deserve to die.
   I stiffly trudge to my dinning hall. Once inside I grab a pre made meal that I set down on the table. I stare at my food as the glossy silver tray reflects my face. I stare at the face of a murder.
My thoughts are dismissed when a door opens. I whip my head up and wince  at the fast movement.
"Still sore?" Leo walks in with a clip board in hand and a bright smile.
"How did you know?" I teased relived to see a familiar face.
"Well I am your doctor." He sits down next to me and stares at me. I try to smile but it doesn't reach my eyes. He must have noticed this, "Sal what's wrong?"
"Nothing." I dully say afraid if I tell the truth he will think I am a traitor.
"Sal i can tell when something is wrong," he takes both of my hands in his, "I am not taking nothing for an answer. Whatever it is you know you can trust me."
I lower my head not wanting to tell him. Embarrassed  that I betrayed the First Order. Scared by what he will think of me if he knew what I did. He takes a finger and lifts my chin up suddenly he begins to lean towards me. Confusion stretches across my face as only a thin layer of space stands between our faces.
"Sal no matter what you did I will always love you." Our lips meet and my eyes go wide with shock. I feel his lips move against mine when i feel mine do the same. I close my eyes in complete bliss. The feeling the kiss gives my sends my head in a whirl wind.
   Never in my life have I experienced such happiness. At this moment I realized that even though I am a weapon designed to murder. Leo will always be there from me. He won't change like so many have.
We break apart as I take a deep breath in. Pressing our foreheads together. We look at each other not dareing to look away.
I then find my mouth moving and confessing what I had been trying so hard to deny. "I... I killed them."
"Who did you kill?" Leo ask in a tender way.
"I killed... I let him kill them. I let him kill the children. Leo I watch him murder innocent children and I could have stopped it from happening."
I break down and absorb myself in Leo's grasp. I force myself not to cry as Leo strokes my hair.
I choke as I say, "I don't understand how he could do that it doesn't make sense."
"I know Sal. I know. Kylo Ren is a ruthless killer who is leading a cause that will only harm."
I sniff as I talk into his shoulder. "How did you know I was talking about Lord Ren?"
"Who else would you be talking about?" He jokingly says. I don't laugh. "Killing without reason and creating fear in people isn't right."
I break away from Leo to get a better angle. "The First Order is always right. They kill for a reason. I was always taught I should follow Orders because they are the right way."
"If killing innocent children is the right thing to do then I don't know what is right or wrong. But all I do know is that this is only the beginning. if you are going to be accepted into the First Order then you are going to have to be like them."
"If that means becoming a murderous villain with no reason to kill but for fun..." I take a deep breath in as my words come out in an almost whisper, "then maybe I don't want to join the First Order."
I regret what I say the minute my words leave my mouth. I can feel Leo's back tense up. Oh no he is going to tell them. I just betrayed the First Order and now Leo is going to turn me in.
I watch as Leo's expressions soften and he pulls me into another embrace.
I feel his breath tickle my ear as he whispers, "What if I tell you I could get you out of here and bring you to a cause with a real reason."
Now it's my own turn to tense up not sure what he is proposing.
He then soothingly says, "Sal what I am about to say can never leave this room." He waits for a response.
I then plainly say, "Leo I would never do anything to hurt you." Not really knowing what I am saying.
He then takes another deep breath in as he pushes me away but keeps his hands on my shoulders. "Sal, I am with the Resistance." The moment this leaves his mouth I fly out of his arms and slam into the wall. I try to get as far away from him as I can. I stare with disbelief.
"Sal.." he gets up and trys to walk forward.
"Don't move!" I scream not sure what to think.
"Please Sal." He holds a hand. "You know the First Order is wrong. Join me and I can get you out of here. We can go to the Resistance. There they will treat you like a real person. You won't have to be shut away ever."
I shake my head and close my eyes pressing my body to the wall harder.
"Please Leo just answer this. How long have you been with the Resistance?"
"What I told you about my past is all true. I joined the First Order thinking they were right. But after being captured by the Resistance I realized what the right side was. Sal I love you nothing has changed."
"Your a spy." Venom drips from my voice as realization dawned on me. "You used me!"
"No wait.."
"I showed you the plans of our attack. I trusted you then you went behind my back and told the Resistance our plans. You caused my pain! You are the reason why our air strike failed. Why I was force to witness Lord Ren Kill the children!" I slowly slide down the wall as I grip my knees.
Leo walks forward and I don't stop him. "Sal listen. The First Order is bad. They are the one that cause you to watch them die. They took you away from you family and built you into a weapon. If you come with me we can be together and I will make everything better. I promise that I will never leave your side." I look up as I notice Leo's eyes tear up. He really wants me. He really means what he says. Maybe all I have known is fake.
I close my eyes once more and open them. I take Leo's hand as I quietly say. "Do they have blue milk in the Resistance?"

 "Do they have blue milk in the Resistance?"

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Hey guys so I hope you like this chapter. I had so much fun writing this!! Thank you NikitaRodriguez4 for being an amazing reader!


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