Chapter XLIX

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I LOOK OVER MY SHOULDER and then at Kylo

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I LOOK OVER MY SHOULDER and then at Kylo. He doesn't seem to be bothered that there is nobody on the Main Street. "How long did they say they could get to us."
Kylo must have be thinking of something else because he realizes that I was talking to him. I give him an annoyed look. "Oh um they said not long. A cruiser was in the system and directed to send a rescue to this colony."
"I think we should go in the jungle then."
"Why is that." Can Kylo really be this oblivious. I am about to shout at him and point out the fact that we could be recognized any second. When a blaster is shot. My eyes dart around and find the red beam coming for Kylo.
I rush to action as I push him down and land on top of him. I tuck the hair behind my ear that falls on his face. He gives me a goofy grin raising his eye Browns. I roll my eyes. "I hardly think it is the time to be thinking of that."
Another blaster goes off and I sense it coming at us. There is no time to get up and run so I grip my fingers tighter on his sleeves. I throw my body to the side as he rolls over and we switch positions. The blaster buries it's self in the ground where we just were.
I push Kylo off getting up fast and then offering him a hand.
Suddenly I realize that we are surround. More than a dozen Resistance member's block the exit route behind and in front of us. I look to the alley ways in between the houses but I sense more rebels waiting for us.
My eyes dart looking for an escape. When a tall women walks out of the crowd with his blaster raised.
"Give up and we won't hurt you. And don't try to lie that you aren't from the First Order. We located where your transmission went."
I gulp down my fear as I feel Kylo's confidence behind me. Our backs are pressed together as his saber and my swords are drawn. We circle daring anyone to challenge us.
I bend my head back ever so slightly which makes the Rebels on the front line go ridged.
I then try to whisper as soft as possible. "Follow my lead."
Kylo's hand touches mine in response to say he understood.
I turn my head towards an alley way with some crates. Then I shout. "Now!"
I sprint forwards the alley as bullets rain down on us. I deflect them away sensing Kylo to see if he is following.
When I reach the alley way we escape the shower of bullets but rebels from the other end begin to pour in. With out hesitation I jump up. The force I project sends me flying up landing on the roof on two feet. Kylo follows my suit but less graceful.
I turn to him and he gives me a sharp nod. I then begin to run on the tiles of the roof. Some slip from underneath me but I keep going.
By now rebels are surround the buildings shooting up at us. It hasn't crossed their minds to climb up on the roofs as pursue us there.
We run out of roof as I judge the gap between the next set of houses. I crouch low and become a smaller target as I look below. The river that cuts through the town is the reason for the large gap. I curse as I find the gap is to big to jump.
I look at Kylo. "It's to big. We won't make it."
"Well we can always turn around." I nod in agreement. The rebels become smarter as I watch as they begin to climb the building blocking our escape once again.
I make a quick decision. Kylo must make it even if I can't.
"Kylo you are going to take a running start you will jump on my hands and I will propel you to the other side." I get down on one knee gettin my place holds as I cup my hands.
"But what about you you won't make it."
"I will don't worry. You forget I am enhanced." I lied.
He hesitates but the battle cries from behind him makes up his mind. He charges towards me as he jumps. I brace my hands and his foot connects as I push upward. His momentum carries him above the river and safely to the other roof. I smile pleased with myself as he shouts for me to come. I nod as I back up.
I scream as something glances my shoulder. I place a hand on my shoulder to suppress the blood that pours out. It's not to bad.
I begin to run full speed as I hear blasters going off behind me. Just as the roof ends I push off but the tile breaks.
I feel all Hope drain from me as my footing is lost and instead of flying I begin to fall. Kylo bends down trying to reach for my flailing arms as I desperately try to grab anything to stop my decent.
My body makes impact with the freezing water as my body tenses up. I sink under the surface as bubbles come out of my mouth. That's when I realize that I can't swim. Out of all the things the First Order taught me they neglected to teach me one of the easiest things.
I move my arms and legs trying to reach the surface. I hear a splashing sound near me. I try to look what is in the water with me but the lack of air in my lungs cause my vision to go blurry.
Hands grip my waists as I am carried to the surface. When we break through the water my lungs rush with air.
I gasp as I spit out water. My arms move on instinct as I am carries to a dock.
Someone throws me on the wooden dock as I roll on my side throwing up water. My rescuer flops beside me as the hover over me checking to see if I am okay.
Kylo's long black hair is wet and stinging as it talked my face. I haven't been so happy to see him before. "Now we are even."
He looks worried and confused at my comment. "Even How?"
"I saved you twice and now you saved me twice." My laughter fills the air but then they turn to coughs as I spit up the remaining water.
"Are you okay."
"Yeah. Totally thought I could make that jump." Kylo helps me to my feet as the blue dress I wear sticks to my skin in the most awkward places making me Uncomfortable.
Being his serious self he doesn't laugh at my joke. "You have to be careful. You are not invincible."
"I know."
Our reunion is stopped when a voice sounds from some where close. "Their over there!"
Kylo holds out a hand form me, "Shall we malady?"
I cursed and giggle as I try to say in a serious voice. "What a gentleman." I take his hand as we begin to run through the buildings.
Rebels surround us but we keep pushing. I then smile as a thought comes to my head. I speak to Kylo but I pant in between words.
"Well.. this isn't.. what I thought.. our honeymoon would be like."
Kylo's throat rumbles as he looks back at my mischievously. Suddenly we here a metallic scream from the air.
We stop in our tracks as our head look up ward. A TIE fighter comes out of no where as it begins to shoot its green bullets down at the colony.
Their here.
"We need to get to higher ground so they can see us." Kylo says.
I nod as I pull us towards a house. We barge through the wooden door and rush up the stairs toward the roof.
By the time we get up a dozen TIE fighter race through the sky. I scan the sky for our rescue ship when I see it slowly descending towards us.
A suddenly feeling of relief and giddiness fills me as I look to Kylo.
My eyes shine with happiness as his face reflects mine.
We are finally going to be saved. We are finally going to get off this godforsaken moon. And I am going to be with...
My face falls as it contorts to fear and sadness. I drop my eyes but then look back up at Kylo. He notices my change in attitude as he finally realizes what is going to happen.
He rapidly grabs me as his lips desperately find mine. He kisses me like it is the last time. Which it probably most likely will.
"No matter what happens I will always be there for you. You will always be my Sal. No enhancement will take that away from me.
I try to smile but I already feel it spreading.
An emptiness begins to penetrate my body. It starts from my feet as it slowly spreads its icy roots up my legs.
I feel it shutting down my muscles then restarting them with new found energy.
The shuttle opens its ramp as a rope is thrown down. Kylo gives me the rope. His eyes don't leave mine sensing the change with in me.
The virus grips my arms and makes its way to my head. As my arms shoots up and touches Kylo's cheek. I run my thumb and lean to Kiss him again. The rope begins to raise up as I get to tall for him and our lips disconnect.
"Goodbye Kylo. I will always miss you."


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