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I TAKE A DEEP BREATH IN. Breathing in through my nose and exhaling through my mouth. Just like they taught me. Hairs from my lose braid fall over my face as I keel down. Lowering my head. Sweat trickles down my back and around my face. I try to steady myself knowing that the fight as only just begun. The 50 other storm troopers I have fought and killed don't matter. I act as if I am not exhausted and feel as if I will collapse. No. I can't.
I feel the tremor in the ground before the door hisses open. The clanking sound of metal boots fill the room. I roll my shoulders backward as I peer up at the on approaching opponent.
The figure towers over me as I look at my reflection in the shiny silver metal. Calculations run through my brain as I choose how to start this fight.
      Quickly I use my leg to swipe Phasma's legs but I know she wouldn't fall for its so easily so in the process I roll back wards swiftly getting to my feet. I turn to face Phasma knees bent fists up in the air ready to block any attack. I feel metal crunch on my arm as a throbbing pain shoots through my fore arm. I don't give her enough time to try and punch my face again as I begin to quickly punch her armor. She easily blocks each hit with her arms pushing mine away.
        I raise my foot jumping to kick her in the stomach but she grabs my foot. I try to pull it away but she locks my foot in place. Suddenly she pulls my leg forward as I twist in the air landing on my back. As I hit the floor I rapidly throw my body back using the momentum to jump up landing in both feet. I turn my head to the side spitting a glob of blood and wipe my mouth.
     The fight continues for what seems like forever. Each giving equally effective hits. Though it seems like I haven't made any progress with fighting Phasma because of her armor. I know that my swift, inhumanly strong punches have hurt her. We circle around each other as I heave in breaths. I begin to sprint at Phasma trying to ketch her off guard. When suddenly she whips out a blaster and points it at me. I stop inches away from it as the cold barrel touches my head. I don't know how or where she got the blaster. Now she has the higher advantage but I can't stop fighting because I won't. I have to win. I need to win. If I don't then I will be marked as a fail for this phase and be killed. They will move on to other test subjects and begin training them just like nothing happened.
      My instincts tell me to grab the gun but I know that this will surely end in a scene of me laying on the floor will a puddle of blood surrounding me. But faintly I hear a tiny voice nagging in the back of my head. She says to jump and so I do.
     I summersault over Phasma's head and in the process using my legs I kick her blaster out of her hand. When I land I hear the voice in my head say roll so I roll. Luckily I did because I hear the sound of a blaster and as I quickly get up I notice a burnt mark in the ground where I was standing.
     Some how Phasma got a hold of another blaster but I try to concentrate my mind on winning. I silently thank the voice in my head as I continue to fight.
        I decide that this fight has gone on for to long as I pull all my knowledge of my training and I sprint towards Phasma. My brain shuts off as I rush towards her. Something stirs with in me as an invisible force takes control of my body. But it's not a bad thing. If anything it is good. My body begins to preform punches and kicks I never told it to do. I feel as if I am a puppet being conducted by someone. I can't control my body as the events come past in a blur. The enhanced part of me takes totally control over my movements  and I feel my conscience slip away from my body. When suddenly I am slammed back into my body as I stand with the blaster pointed at Phasmas head. She is kneeling down and her helmet is thrown off. I look into her eyes as they dare me to shoot her.
       I don't know how we came in this position it was like my body went on auto pilot. I am shaken by the experience as the blaster in my hand portrays my fear as it too begins the shake. But then I take a deep breath in. I have to finish my task.
    I grip the blaster about to squeeze the trigger when suddenly an ear piercing noise echoes through my head. I scream in agony as the noise ricochets through my brain. I crumple to the ground and curl into a ball. I try to stop the pain by plugging my ears but it won't stop. I want to rip my ears off to stop the noise.
    Through  the tears in my eyes I see Phasma get up and dust herself off. I spot a button in her hand as she turns around and walks out a door.
       I shake violently as the noise gets worse. One second I am begging for death to come and take me away from this misery and the next I shrouded in darkness hoping my wish didn't come true.

VOTE AND COMMENT!!Hey if you guys want me to put up who that cast is I have some ideas that you guys might like!!

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Hey if you guys want me to put up who that cast is I have some ideas that you guys might like!!

Also I am not really diggin the title of this book so any suggestions would really help!

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