Chapter XX

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I SLIDE MY SWORDS BACK on my back as I jump off the boulder

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I SLIDE MY SWORDS BACK on my back as I jump off the boulder. Landing on my feet I crouch low and slowly walk forward.
I stare forward when suddenly I stop. I look down and inspect the ground. It takes me a second but my eyes find a glint if metal in the sand. It is small tiny line that runs farther then what I can see.
I laugh as I cautiously step over the line. I mutter to myself "classic rebels. Thinking we would be so dumb as to step on a trip wire." Knowing that if anyone steps on the wire then it will alert the Resistance if intruders. I dig my foot in the ground to make a huge divot. This will allow me to know when I am getting close to the wire.
I resume what I was doing. I stop once again as I notice it seems like the horizon ended. I cock my head knowing this what I was looking for but I was still confused. I get in my stomach as I shimmy forward. I can feel the sand getting into my armor but I can't risk behind seen. I find why the horizon seems to end when I peer over the edge of a cliff.
Quickly I roll on my back moving my head away from the edge scared that someone saw me. I take a chance once again as I peer over. What lays below shocks me.
It's the Resistance base for sure. People walk around with purposes as I spot X-wings and many other ships. I observe the Clift walls the surround the base. It looks as if a huge explosion went off because rocks hang at weird angles as I soon realize that the cliff isn't a cliff. It is actually a crater. But not a natural crater. I finally come to a conclusion when my mind flips through all the past cities of Jedda.
The Death Star. Jeddah. The Holy City. Kyper Crystals. First test. Imperial pilot betrays Empire.
I scoot away from the edge as I slowly get up. I close my eyes composing everything that I saw.
The Resistance Base is the the crater of where the Holy City of Jeddah once stood. This was the first test of the notorious Death Star's power.
I take a deep breath in as I begin to sprint. I could have gone faster if I wasn't wearing armor but I make do. I make sure to jump over the trip wire.
The sky begins to grow dimmer. I pass Troopers as they look at me like I am a mad women. I stop before I reach the control ship taking in a breath to control myself. I step on board.
I am met with blasters pointed at me. "Stop there trooper." The monotone voice of one of the storm troopers infringe of me. I look at the troopers who hold there blasters at my chest challenging them to shoot.
"Guards stand down. SN2198 I would have expect you to come a little earlier." I hear Phasmas voice as I see her over in the corner sitting on a chair.
I am about to roll my eyes when I notice that I don't have my helmet. A moment of fear crosses my face when a voice behind me says. "Are you looking for this." I turn already knowing who it is.
"Lord Ren," I say remember this is what Phasma called him. I grab the helmet and slip it back in my head. "Thank you I must have missed placed this."
"Be more careful next time." He says and pushes past me. "I believe she has located the rebel base. It is about 2 miles away from here. In the crater of where The Holy City if Jeddah once stood."
I stand there shocked that the man figured all of that out. How did he do that?
He lets out a menacing laugh. "I can read your thoughts."
I try to play it cool but I am impressed. I am curious but frightened at the same time.
"Well done SN2198. I expect no less from you." Phasma pulls out a device as she speaks in it. "All squads report back to station. Base as been found we will prepare and strike at midnight."

THE SKY IS pitch black as I stare up at the stars. My sensitive ears pick up a faint sound of engines but I ignore it know it is probably just the wind. I sit next to one of the many fires that the troopers built. Each fire is surround by troopers except mine. As usual I sit by myself but I don't mind I am used to it. I clean my blaster of the sand thats collected in the parts.
The air strike team should be coming soon. As according to plan the troopers were here for just finding the base and once located the strike team would finish off the base. We were here for back up but the rebels don't know we are here so there will be no need for us. Many troopers have their armor off even though it is dark out the heat off the sand is still hot. I however keep my armor on including my helmet. After being taught not to show my identity for all of my life I don't see why to stop it now.
I am focus on my blaster when I feel something sit near me. I glance up and across the fire sits no other then Lord Ren. I only look up quick as I return back to cleaning not really caring for his company. I still do not know why this man seems so familiar. I have only met a few and I think I would know if I meet someone in a weird mask.
A noise makes my eyes shift up towards the sky. I hear the scream of the TIE fighter before I see them light up their green lazers. I smile knowing we have won.
Suddenly my ears pick up a louder approaching engine coming from behind us. I stand up notice Lord Ren does the same thing.
5 to 10 X-wing fighter fly over us blowing out most of the fires. Both Lord Ren and I react the fastest. Lord Ren runs toward the ship but I know I can get to the base before the ship takes off and lands so I begin to sprint towards the base.
Some how the Resistance rebel knew we were coming. I silently scorn myself realizing that I heard the X-wing fighters take off before. What I thought was wind was actually the fighters taking off and waiting to ambush our fighters.
I push harder as I see blue streaks light up the sky knowing that we can't lose this battle. The rest of the ground attack won't be to far behind me but I don't mind knowing I can take care of myself.


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