Chapter XXVI

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TRAINING WITH THE troopers is a lot different then I thought it would be

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TRAINING WITH THE troopers is a lot different then I thought it would be. In my mind I would have thought that we would have gotten along but in fact it was the total opposite. They all ignored me. I was fine with it though because I always trained by myself.
   My red clothing stuck out in the sea of white armor and I would occasionally catch some troopers or instructors watching me. I tried not to let that bother me as I fight the dummy in front of me with my swords.
    By the end of training the room was mostly cleared out. All that were left were couple creepy people watching me and a couple limbs of the dummies I destroyed. I wipe the sweat off my brow  and smooth out the hairs that were plastered to my face.
    I turn to walk out the door when I spot the couple of troopers standing by it.
"Great I get to walk by these creepers."
    I hold my head high as I stride towards the door determined not to talk to any of them.
     Out of the corners of my eyes I watch as they all turn there attention to me as I walk pass them.
  "Why if it isn't the Red Soldier."
One of the dimwits says. I then hear a whistle as one of them grab my arm. Before they know what is happening I grab the arm that touched me and bent it backward. I bent it to a point were it won't break but enough to sprain it. He falls on the ground.
    I take out the next two in one sweep that knocked their feet out from under them. I turned towards the one I know who whistles at me. I smirk saving the best move for him. I take my foot and kick him in the crouch as hard as I can. With a groan of pain he falls on the ground and curled up in a ball.
    I look towards the last one but he is already running the opposite direction.
   Stepping over the bodies I mockingly say, "Next time I suggest hitting on a girl who  isn't enhanced."
    Excitement runs through my veins as the Adrenalin of the small fight I had, if you would call it a fight, makes me walk faster to my dorm. Suddenly something stops my giddiness as a strange feeling covers me.
     I slow down as I quickly cast a glance behind me. I catch the end of black fabric as it quickly disappears behind a corner. Someone is following me.
   I rack my brain as to who would follow me but no one comes to mind. I search my mental map as I pick out my route. I quicken my pace as I near a corner and quickly turn. Right after the turn there is a cut out in the wall that I slip into. I silently wait for my prey to walk into my trap.
     I feel their presence before I see them.  I lower my hand towards my thigh as I grip the handle of a small dagger. When the stalker comes to view I jump out pressing them against the wall and place the blade agains their neck. I bare my teeth when suddenly I realize who I attacked. Backing away quickly I bow down.
  "Lord Ren. I did not know that was you. Please believe me when I say I meant you no harm." Shame and fear rises to my face as it turns red.
   "SN there is no need for forgiveness you were only taking the necessary cautions."
     I look up and I am met with the metal mask that strikes fear in everyone who sees it. Well everyone except me. If I could describe him I would say he is a grown man playing dress up with a metal mask and bath robes. But I would never say that to his face. Looks can be deceiving.
    "If you don't mind me asking. Why were you stalking me." I cross my arms across my chest and raise an eye brow.
   "Well.. you see I want stalking you. I was just following you."
   I huff not pleased with his response.
He continues, "I saw those troopers assault you and I went to help you. But then you took care of yourself."
   "Nothing a big girl can't handle on her own." I say interrupting him. 
    Giving me an annoyed stance I let him speak. "I wanted to make sure that this didn't happen again so I watched to make sure you got back safe."
    "Wow how thoughtful of you." I place a hand on my heart mocking smiling. "But news flash I am not a princess or a damsel in need for a man to save me. So nice seeing you again Big Shot.  Later." With out hesitation I begin walking away. But annoyingly I hear footsteps echo after mine. I cast a glance over my shoulder as I yell. "I thought I made myself clear that you can go."
     "I know but your different. There's something about you that is familiar. Have I met you before? And why do you keep calling my Big Shot?"
    Stop as I face him brushing a baby hair out of my face. I give him a pounding face as I say "aw I thought that at least the big shot would remember little old me. After all you did strangle me and almost killed me with that saber."
  He shift his stance as I guess he realizes who I am.   "Sal? The enhanced trooper?"
   I begin to grow frustrated, "Yes of course! I would have thought at the battle when Phasma told you that I was enhanced it would have rung a bell. But guess not."
    "Don't take this the wrong way but I didn't care enough to ask her who you were. I thought you were some wannabe trooper with fancy armor. Just like Phasma."
    I scoff as anger boils my blood. "You will not disrespect my Captain like that. She well deserved her title! And since you clearly don't have time for me I don't have any for you. So good day sir and if I find you following me again I swear I will make you hurt more than you can imagine. And don't think that I can't because I will."
     With that I storm off steaming with anger.
    "Ugh the nerve!" Every inch of my body tingles with anger and hatred towards Kylo Ren. But if I would have looked back at him one more time I probably would have seen him watching me walking away admiring my fiery attitude.


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