Chapter XXII

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     WHAT THE GUARDS where protecting weren't weapons but children

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WHAT THE GUARDS where protecting weren't weapons but children. They huddle against the wall fear etched across their eyes. I suddenly feel the urge to protect them.  They are innocent and don't deserve to be caught up in this battle.
    I look at Lord Ren but all I see no emotion. I can sense it before it happens. He takes a deep breath in grips his saber tighter.
   "Noooo!" I scream as I run in front of the children and block his saber with my sword. He presses down harder as sweat begins to bead on my face. I take a quick glance at the children behind me. The look of how terrified they are allowed me to build up enough strength to push the saber up and send Kylo Ren stumbling backwards. I assume an attack position. Lord Ren just stares at me. "Do you know what you are doing trooper?" He taunts.
    "No I don't but I do know these children don't deserve to die."
   "You realize that if you do this you are betraying the First Order. I will be forced to tell Phasma of your act of rebellion. Unless you step aside."
     I don't let my face show how scared I am as I look Between the children and the monster in front of me. My eyes glaze over as I step aside.
   "That's what I though." Kylo Ren walks past me. I feel like crying but I swore I never would. So I turn away from the children as I hear their screams of terror. The sound of the saber rings through out my head.
   I walk over to a wall and without thinking I punch it as hard as I can screaming. I don't get it. Why would someone kill innocent children. What kind of monsters do the First  Order make? Will i become as heartless as him?
    I look up as I notice all eyes were on me. The battle must have stoped as I don't see any moving rebels. Only troopers painted in red. I shy away not used to being in the spot light. I feel a presence behind me as a distraught voices says, "Next time you will follow Orders as told. no one will about this. So considered yourself lucky." He pushes past me as I search form my helmet. Knowing that this will be a long ride back to base.
I find Phasma as I trail behind her. Nothing processes in my mind. The screams of the poor child echo in my head as I stare absently mindlessly at the ramp as it closes. Encasing all the sweaty blood covered troopers. The stench grows stronger as the time goes on. It brings me to think about if any of these monsters have the children's blood spattered on their clothing. I know at least one person does.
My eyes find the back of Kylo Ren as I stare at him burning holes with my eyes. He doesn't care. He will probably wash off the blood of those innocents he killed like nothing happened.
When the ramp opens I walk ahead pushing through everyone. I don't care if anyone tries to stop me. I shrug them off and walk out of the hanger doorway and towards the only place I know won't change.
I don't know why this makes me so mad but I just can't process why someone would do that. I was bred to kill but also to protect.
Suddenly I am hit with dizziness as the hallway tips. I raise a hand towards my helmet but i tip sideways slamming into the wall. My hand frantically tries to pull off the helmet. I feel like I can't breath. My head spins and my body feel so tired. My arms go limp as I slump against the wall not know what is happening.
I hear foot steps clanking against the floor. Phasma. I feel my helmet being lifted up as I look up towards Phasma.
She looks worried. "Sal are you okay?"
I look at her and for the first time I fell helpless. "I can't move... my limbs won't work. I don't know what's happening."
She reaches down and raps her arm around my shoulders helping me up. When I am up right my head rolls to the side and rests on her shoulder. Unable to move my head away I leave it there. Then she begins to gently drag me to my area. "Sal this is normal so don't freak out. The reason why you can't move is because your human body is tried. In the time of the battle your enhancement gripped your muscles pushing it past human ability. Now that the battle is done your enhancement  doesn't need to use you so now you are left with the after works of the fight. You probably feel like your brain is awake but your limbs are just to tired to move. You feel as if you fought five battles instead of one."
I try to nod but I can't. Phasma takes my silence as a yes. So she continues. "As time goes on your body will get used to it but for now I want you to rest. You can start training again tomorrow. To help improve what you did wrong." She pauses, "Sal, I was... very impressed. You were better then I expected. You represented the power of the First Order."
I pray that one day Phasma won't hear about my tiny betrayal. Though I still feel as if I shouldn't have let that killer murder the children.
With a last heavy grunt Phasma throws me on my bed. I lay in the position I landed unable to move. My eyes automatically start to flutter shut as I watch Phasma's figure fade away.
I find myself whispering, "Thank you, Phasma." I don't know if I imagined it but I see her stop and cast a glance back at me. Then faintly say, "I wish our situation was different."
With that I black out falling into an endless abyss. My mind is awake but my body isn't. I drift off into a sleepless sleep.


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