Chapter XXVIII

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DURING THE ENTIRE walk to the room I felt as if I was the Resistance member walking amongst the First Order

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DURING THE ENTIRE walk to the room I felt as if I was the Resistance member walking amongst the First Order. I had to occasionally remind myself that I am with the First Order.
When we reach the door I punch in a code but it does work. I try a couple more but they don't seem to work. I turn to Leo and try to whisper though it doesn't really work out. "I can't get in. The codes won't work."
He whispers to himself. "Dang it. This section of the base must be to old of the new codes."
An idea pops in my head as I say "You might want to back up."
Leo takes a tentative step back. "What do you have in mind?"
"If I told you you wouldn't let me do it." I then bring my foot up as I slam it into the key pad. The pad instantly crumpled under my touch as the button next to it blinks green. I walk in and turn to Leo. "Well that was easy."
He shakes his head and laughs. "You never seem to surprise me Sal."
Well the biggest surprise is going to happen very soon. I think.
I don't know what I expected the scrap metal room to look like but I can tell you that it looked nothing like this.
The room is littered in hundreds of metal objects. Ranging from wings of fighters to forks from the food hall. All of the scraps are clustered in huge piles that muster as high as the ceilings. The room it's self if pretty huge. It is the size of a large training room. If I were to guess it could probably fit 3 to 5 AT-AT fighters.
I stand shocked as Leo runs ahead and begins to shuffle through the scrap.
"Well are you doing to help me?"
I snap out of daze "Yeah Yeah I am coming." I scan the room as my eyes skim across a dome like metal piece. I jog over to the pile that it is in.
Dusting off and loose metal I make out a faint yellow color. I take my helmet off as I yell towards Leo. "Hey I think I found something!"
Leo comes over out of breath and a bit frantic. He keeps throwing glances over his shoulder. As if someone watching us, which someone most definitely was. There are cameras everywhere and I know the minute someone saw me leave my area with Leo all eyes were on us.
Leo Reyes to get the big prices of metal out of the way but he can't. I begin to laugh but he just looks at me annoyed. "You know if you are not going to help you can go guard the door."
I have never heard his tone this serious before and it makes me stop joking. I gently push Leo way from the pile as I grip the dome. I pull upward as a little metal gives loose. I then brace my foot out and tug up with all my strength and the object comes flying out. I fall backward as the object lands directly on me. The metal dome head hits my eye as pain instantly starts to shoot around where it hit. It's doesn't seem to bother me as I try to fake like nothing happened. I can feel a bruise forming around my eye but if I tell Leo then he most likely fuss over me and I won't get to know what is on the disk.
Leo grabs the object as I get up and dust myself off. "It is a droid!" Leo excitedly says as he begins to press random buttons. "Look like an R2 unit probably and old Resistance droid. A fighter with this droid must have crashed here."
I eye the small droid with distaste as I am not so sure that I like it very much.
Leo twiddles around with some more stuff but nothing seems to make it turn on. "Ugh it's probably broken. Are you sure you don't recall a room where there could be working droids?"
I can tell the Leo is getting agitated as his tone is more forcefully. "Whoa there Leo. Calm down. We don't have to get fisted about this droid not working. Besides I haven't tried to make it work."
I know that I can make it work because I already know what Leo was doing wrong.
He crosses his arms and takes a step away. "Well then take your best shot." I walk over and connect a couple wires that were shooting out of the body. While I do this Leo talks to me. "You are wasting your time that thing hasn't worked in..." The whirling sound of the frolics stops Leo's sentence as I look up at him smirking.
The droid begins to power up as lights flash. Leo quickly kneels next to me. The droid begins to rock side to side and it turns its head around once when the little camera on its head blinks red. Then a flurry of beeps and noises fly out of the droid as it tries to get away from us.
"Great. Do you by any chance know how to speak droid?" Leo looks to me probably already knowing the answer.
"I was forced to learn every language in the galaxy. But sadly they didn't teach me droid."
Leo looks at me not convinced as I crack a smile. "Just kidding I know!"
"Wow that doesn't even surprise me."
I stare at the droid. I am a little rusty. Droid communication has never been my strong point.
Slowing the whirling sound of the droid begins to form words as it all comes in a rush.
"What are you! Where is my master! Stay Way storm trooper! Empire scum! What time is it! Where am I! Who is he? Who are you?!" The droid frantically says.
"Whoa whoa slow down R2. You are safe her there is no need to freak out. We just need you to project this disc."
"I will never do anything for the Empire!"
"We are not the Empire. We are not with the Empire." The Empire was the past First Order before it was destroyed by the rebels. Now the First Order has risen from the Empires ashes. So when I say we are not with the Empire I am not Lying. I am only with what the Empire became after it was destroyed.
"You aren't?"
"No," I hold a hand out for Leo to give me the disk, "I need you to read this disk so we can get back the the Resistance."
A little cover pops open on the droid as I see a little insert. I guess that this means he will help so I stick the disc in.
It takes a couple of seconds for the projection to kick in. But a blue person begins to sputter on.
"Hello Agent Starkins And Storm Trooper SN2298."


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