Chapter LI

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PHASMA CALLED me a work of great expertise

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PHASMA CALLED me a work of great expertise. "Amazing" if I were to directly quote her.
    We reached Star Killer base shortly after my interaction with Kylo. He refused to leave the room I was in. No matter how many times It threatened him. When our pods from the Star Destroyer landed on base I immediately marched out.
   Phasma stood in the hanger along with different ranks of Storm Troopers and officers. General Hux stands by her side. On instinct I stand at attention not moving a muscle not even to blink.
    Kylo Ren strides out behind me. When he passes me he stops hesitating and casting a glance back at me. I am screaming to him trying to show him I am still there but there is no emotion.
   He walks straight past General Hux. Hux plainly says. "Ren" giving him and nod.
    Kylo only responds with "General" annoyance already rolls of Kylo. I feel my face form a smirk as It thinks it can uses their disagreement to my advantage.
    "SN2198."  Phasma says. "So glad to have you back Salina."
   "Salina is no longer here." I say firmly. I feel it become annoyed with everyone mistaking It to be the real Sal.
   At first Phasma doesn't understand what I say. But then she goes ridged. And walks up to me circling me. I stare straight forward in a perfect stance.
   "Fascinating. Amazing." She whispers. Now it is General Hux's turn to talk as he walks up to me.
   "Is she..." he looks at me warily looking to Phasma for an answer.
   "Yes. She has completed the final stage. She has successfully paired with the Enhancement."
  Hux raises a hand to touch my face to see if I am really there.
    I take it has i threat. I lash out with viper speed taking his arm and throwing him on the ground. I press my knee to his back and twist his arm backwards.
    "SN! Get off your General this instant !" Hux screams. I don't want to get off him wanting to finish what I started but the sense of superiority gets the best of me as I stand back up and resume my statue stance.
    "Amazing!" Phasma says. "What power and quickness."
   Hux gets up and rubs his arm. "I hardly say that was called for."
   I hear Kylo let out a small laugh at Hux's embarrassment.
    "We must See her strength this instant. I have longed to see this for the longest time."

   From that day on, all my days consists  of testing and training. My power gets stronger each day. I am practically unstoppable. Not even the ringing sound in my head can stop me.
    Power, strength and danger runs through my veins. The Enhancement sends my body on haywire. Every fiber is alive and electrified every second of the day.
    In the beginning I was able to lay on my bed and get some sleep. But as days past I became more restless. I would lay in bed with eyes open staring at the wall. The Enhancement began to take sleep as wasted time. So when everyone left at night it would force me to go to the training room and practice till I was exhausted. By the time it let me sit it was already morning and time for training with the other Troopers.
This went on for a while and sometimes my instructors would find me sleeping while my body was moving. They would say, "one minute she is punching a dummy and the next she is sleeping but still attacking the dummy."
Phasma tried to talk to me but ever since the virus took over me It refuses to talk unless it had valuable information. It's go to response is to stare at the wall and become annoyed with everyone's stupid comments.
My exhaustion became to much for my human body to bare. I became sick but the Enhancement never let anyone see my weakness so no one ever noticed. Until one check up when they sedated me to check the pairing and I wouldn't wake up.
They tried everything but nothing would work.
After about 12 hours of begin knocked out it woke me up. I felt like I was in water and then something rapidly pulled me out of my peaceful state.
My brain went in to defensive mode and lets just say the doctor who was checking up on me won't be checking up on anyone for a long time or ever again.
It took a couple of people to hold me down after I lashed out on the doctor. I soon calmed down once Phasma came in not wanting her to see weakness.
The other doctors tested me after to see why I was in a coma for so long then acted so violent. Though I could tell they tried to stay away from me as much as possible. The red splatter on the wall is a reminder of what I could do to them.
They concluded that I was sleep deprived and that the Enhancement wasn't allowing my human body to sleep.
Thank you. Finally someone is smart around here.
"Oh shut up." It would say.
They found that the only way to help me achieve a restful state without the enhancement waking me up is to sedate me. But every time I would wake up from my sleep I would be come violent and uncontrollable. The Enhancement was begging to be let out and all the energy it stored up during my rest had to be let out.
So in order to avoid another accident they would strap me to a chair. Clamping restraints on my arms and legs. So when I woke up the only thing I would do is waste energy.
With the sleep and new found rest I became even more stronger. And it soon became more than my human body could handle.
In training whenever I would fight against a real opponent instead of fighting fair and stopping before the winner is declared. I would finish what I started and merciless Kill them. After a couple of dead Storm Troopers showed up in the medical wing the doctors began to complain.
Phasma noticed this and tried to confront me about it but I wouldn't talk. It took all not strength to hold back the Enhancement from lashing out on Phasma for accusing me.
They learned that I couldn't control my anger so they locked me in confinement again. I wasn't allowed out because of how dangerous I had become.
I began to grow mad. Begin locked up in a small area created conflict win my body. I began to pace back and forth like a cadged animal. It stopped caring for my human body. I stoped eating and all I did was fight and when I wasn't I was pacing by the door.
The madness became to much for me one day. I snapped after not begin let out of my area for the past weeks.
I was pacing by the door when suddenly like a rubber band snapping back I turned towards the wall on the other side. Charging at it I run straight towards it. I crash into the wall with so much force that it creates a huge dent. A loud boom ricochets off the wall as I fall to the ground. My head pounds but for some reason I enjoy the pain. I get up and begin to punch the wall.
I need to get out. I concentrate everything I have as I feel the wall giving away.
My thoughts try to stop it but at this point My head is full of the thought of freedom. I have officially became insane.
Suddenly the door to my area opens up and soldiers rush in. I continue to beat the wall. One soldier grabs my arms but I swing around and connect with his head sending them flying. A couple more try to contain me but none are successful.
I bare my teeth growling like and animal when something sticks in the side of my neck. I reach up and grab at the syringe and pull it out. I turn to who punctured me. It was Phasma.
All respect disappeared for her as I lunge for her throat. She doesn't back down and stands still. In mid air my body freezes up and I become paralyzed. I hit the ground with a thud. I try to move but I can't. The Enhancement screams with in as I growl and try to move.
Phasma bends down and places a hand on my face brushing the hair away in a motherly manner. I stare at her hatred boiling in my eyes.
Her helmet is off and all her expression shows is regret.
"How did I let it get this far?" She whispers.


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