Chapter VII

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WHEN I WAKE UP i am met with a siring pain in my head

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WHEN I WAKE UP i am met with a siring pain in my head. My ears still ring from the noise that caused every fiber in my body to scream. I let a groan out as I press the palm of my hand to my temple. I support myself with one hand as I lay on the floor of the training room.
Slowly I get up as the movements makes my head throb even more. I stand still for a second as the dizziness begins to ware off. After I regain my strength I crack my head side to side. As I stride towards the door. Only bruises, a couple scratches and a dull pain in the back of my head remain as a reminder of my fight.
I mutter to myself, "Of course they would leave me in training room. They don't even have the decency to take me to my room or clean my cuts. To them I am just an experiment, a weapon of their own design. Well maybe some times I would like to be treated like a human!" I stomp clearly angry towards my room.
I throw myself on my bed as lay there staring at the ceiling. I begin to puzzle why that ear piercing noise sounded in my head. I replay the events before the misery accrued. When something comes a cross my mind. Right before I dropped the blaster I was holding it up to Phasmas head about to pull the trigger.
I suddenly sit upright as I laugh out loud. "I won!" I shout then whispering to my self with disbelief, "I won."
Pushing myself off the bed I walk over to my bathroom. Well actually it shouldn't be called a bath room because there are no walls separating my bedroom from the shower, sink and mirror. Nothing is hidden from them nor can I hide anything from them.
Gripping the sink I lead over it looking at my reflection. A 17 year old girl peers back at me. I look at my hazel brown hair that is matted with sweat and blood. My eyes travel to the scar that runs from the top of my forehead across my eye and mouth to the back of my jaw. This is the only thing that reminds me that I am different that I am not fully human. I sign as my light green eyes  lock on the shower.
Peeling off my cloths I throw them away as I hop in a steaming shower. I let the water run down my body as I watch the clear water turn a tainted red. I turn the shower off and grab a towel and quickly throwing on some clothes. I stare at my bed with longing as I quickly jump on to it with a belly flop letting the soft fabrics surround me.
I must have dozed off because I feel pressure press down on the end of my bed. Still laying belly down I stealthily pull the knife that I hide under my pillow. Swiftly throwing it at the unknown presence. I quickly snap up as I see the knife clatter to the ground. I watch as Phasma lowers her arm away from where the knife would have hit her body.
"Sal, now that's not a very nice way to greet your captain. Now is it?" Phasma teases. She seems to forget that I bested her in combat this morning but I can still feel the tension in the air.
"Sorry Captain. I did not know that you were there. I was only taking precautions." I lower my head expecting scolding. But instead I receive a tender finger lifting up my chin to meet Phasmas eyes.
"There is no need to be sorry. Your strength and skills have made me prouder then you can possibly imagine." She smiles as she sees my eyes light up with happiness. "Speaking of your skills. Today you have portrayed that the enhancement has become what we call 'one with you'. You have successfully paired with it."
A little confused I ask, "What do you mean paired?"
"Well let me ask you this. During the fight did you feel in a moment that you were in a different place that you were not controlling your body." I nod my head as the events flash back in my mind. "That is what we called pairing. The enhancement took over your body which made you unstoppable. With in time as you grow this pairing will become more frequently and easier to use. You will reach a point when it will take over you body forever and then you will be the First Orders greatest weapon. Isn't that great!" She looks at me like I should be happy but I just stare and nod my head. Too afraid my lips will betray what I really want to say. To be fair I don't like the whole idea of not being in control of my body where I can't turn the enhancement off. But I shake my head knowing that Phasma would never put me in a situation she didn't think was right.
"Anyways," she continues, "because you have pasted the test by, And believe me when I say you won't be hearing these words ever again. But since you past the test by beating me. You have past the last phase. All that is next is to see how you preform on the field. Now, do you remember that noise that cause you to be paralyzed?" She doesn't wait for me to answer as she continues to speak. "Well with this graduation to the second to last stage it comes with benefits and disadvantages. On disadvantage is that noise you experienced . Whenever you do something we don't like our you get out of line you will revive a shock like that. While creating you we implanted a device in your neck that will send these waves to your head. Now for the perks of the passing. We have decided to grant you some freedoms. You are now allowed to go out of the confined quarters for less then a half an hour. But you have to report to me when leaving and upon entering back."
I jump up at the news as I look at Phasma with disbelief. Words can form in my mouth as I am to shocked with excitement. "Now now settle down you still have to wear your hood. No one can know who you are yet. We haven't tested you. You must remember you can't share your identity. Because we will always know and you know what will happen if you disobey." She points to the back of her neck in a mocking way.
However my excitement of finally being released from my prison distracts me from her mocking tone.
"Now how about we get your armor fitted."


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