Chapter 26: There was one but now three

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I took a deep breath to calm myself. I clenched and unclenched my fists while glaring at Ash. 

I stood in my sports bra that had slight blood splatter on it and a ripped tank top hanging around my wrists. I pulled the rest of it off and held it between my hands tightly. 

Looking away from Ash I caught the eye of Noah who instead of glaring at me he was glaring at Ash. Noah looked at me and stepped towards me. He stopped in front of me and went back to glaring at Ash.

"I get she just killed your bodyguard or whatever but.." I saw Noahs fist clench. "Don't touch my sister." He swung and nailed Ash in the jaw.

My eyes widened in shock and surprise. A small crunching sound echoed when Ashtons head was sent to the side. I saw Ashtons eyes flash something dark before he put a hand to his jaw then looked at Noah. 

"Watch yourself bloodsucker." His eyes switched to mine. "Munchkin," He pulled something out of his back pocket. "You forgot this." He threw my phone over to me and I caught it. 

I looked at it, then back at him rising an eyebrow. "Why give it back?" 

He shrugged and then smirked at me. I glared at him but he stopped while staring into the trees behind me. He moved forward and pushed me behind him. "Might as well come out. I see you." 

I turned to face the trees he was staring at as a girl stepped into the light of the moon and house. She looked familiar. Her clear crystal blue eyes were sad but fierce. She had a small baby face framed with shoulder length brown hair. She wore a catsuit similar to mine but only hers was shorts with over the knee boots and short sleeves. On her tan arms you could see a tribal tattoo in black ink. She was young but if the outfit she wore said anything she was strong. 

Her eyes locked with mine and a soft smile appeared on her face. She started to walk towards me and soon she stood at arms lenght from Ash who still stood in front of me. 

"I remember you but do you remember me?" She asked me in a calm soft voice.

I stared at her, then it hit me and my eyes widened in surprise. "The house. You where in the room across from mine." Her smile got widener and her eyes filled with joy. "I didn't think anyone survived." 

She frowned quickly but soon smiled at me again. "The first stage, many lived but as the stages grew it got harder to survive."

"She's like you?" I heard Alex speak.

She looked at him over my shoulder and glared but before she could speak Noah spoke. "Never mind that, who are you? You smell of vampire but demon. How?" 

She smiled at Noah. "My name is Luna, I am twenty two years old and as Aria was created to be the hunter, I was created to be the chameleon." She looked back at me. "It's been so long and I assume you don't remember much, I think you were the most drugged out of everyone." She stepped close to me, walking around Ash and put her warm hands on my cheeks. "I'll help you remember." Her eyes closed and when she opened them they glowed electric blue.

There was no pain, only warmth that I felt. Still images of memories rolled across my eyes. Memories of pain but happiness which Luna and other girls and boys not much older or younger than me. We all played in a large house but we were all drugged and when one of us went away for a couple of hours they came back in pain and a cold sweat. So many images flash and when I felt the coldness come back to me I blinked to see Luna softly smiling at me as her hands fell to her sides. 

"Every night?" I numbly spoke. She nodded. "For so long and I didn't remember it." 

"What did you do to her?" Luca rushed over to us but I put my hand out to stop him from going any closer to her. 

Demons Vampire: A Vampires JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now