Chapter 3: The thirst

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I didn't know what happened. Feeling the coldness of the ground and the softness of grass under my body but wetness under my hand. I frowned and sat up opening my eyes. The darkness from the night had finally fallen and I hardly remembered getting into the forest I sat in now. I just remembered the pain and heading towards the forest. Then nothing.

I sighed when I noticed them though. Seeing the animals like that made me sick because I felt like more of a monster. I was curious if I would feel the same when it would come to humans but who knows. I didn't looked at the amount that was there but from the pool of blood around me I knew it was probably a fair amount. 

As I got up I felt better but I didn't want to have to drink animal blood anymore so I made a plan to head to get blood bags from the blood bank in the city about half a days journey from my current location.  The police had nothing on me and they weren't going to find anything so I could leave. I would come back though, I had unfinished business in the town so until I found a lead on the poison I wouldn't be leaving. 

I dragged my bloody self back towards the motel but I noticed a police car parked with the lights off and looking towards the building. I smirked. Where they meant to keep an eye on me? Or had someone else arrived that they wanted to watch? 

Either way, I headed around the back. My room was on the second floor but it wasn't that hard for me to get in. The windows in the motel weren't the most secure thing so getting it open while hanging on to the ledge wasn't that hard. I got in fine and then got straight into the shower, I came through the bathroom window so it was handy. I would have to get rid of the clothes just to be safe. If the police did end up finding anything to investigate me more I wouldn't want any questions to do with the amount of blood on them. 

As I was finishing getting dressed my mind started to wander back home. To my brothers. To my dad. To Luca. From what I had noticed nothing really changed. Vampires and Demons seemed to still be on the fence with each other.  I was glad that my leaving didn't effect anything, that it didn't cause us to go back to fighting. I didn't know much of what anyone was doing so I didn't know if Luca went back to Hell or if he was still on Earth. Thinking about it made my heart hurt, I may have turned my emotions off but after awhile they had came back on. I'm numb to most things which was good when it came to killing because I could do that without anything bothering me. When it came to Luca my heart ended up hurting. Don't get me wrong I missed all of them but maybe it was because I had ended up falling in love with him, that just thinking about him made my heart do strange unwanted things.

Pushing any thoughts of him from my mind I focused on the task at hand: Meeting up with Alex. I had decided that it was probably the best option that I had. 

I went to the bar and caught the scent of Alex before I saw him. My eyes locked with his. Taking a deep breath I went over. 

"You look different." He smirked, taking a snip of his beer. 

I glared at him. "I look fine." I tugged at the bottom of my dress as I sat down.

Tonight I wore a tight black dress with long sleeves that flared out, black tights and black heel ankle boots. My hair was tied up in a pony tail with a bow to hold it in place. Alex had never seen me wear anything close to this so it was understandable his mocking tone. The fresh blood ran though my veins and it made me feel powerful. 

The one thing that was more noticeable when I refused to drink was that my vampire traits seemed to weaken. It wasn't by much but it was noticeable the more times I did it. My eyes would take longer to adjust to the darkness. My tracking skills would take a tad longer to locate the target. I admit, it was annoying but the longer I could go without drinking blood maybe, just maybe, I could hide easier and longer. 

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