Chapter 24: They can try

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I sat back at the dinner table but this time Scarlet and Jessica sat down eating food. My dad had made them food when we had arrived then he made us all sit at the table again. 

When we arrived back after getting the girls my dad had went into his study to do some work but came down once he heard us come in. He went straight to the kitchen to make them food and I took the girls into the dinning room and sat them down. It wasn't anything fancy that my dad made, he couldn't really cook..none of us could, but he threw something together quickly then told us all to sit. I let Alex explain to them who the girls were while I played with my fingers. Jessica had to fill in some blanks because Alex didn't really know much about her, the only reason she was there was because of me, thankfully she left out some details which I was glad of. 

After Alex finished I finally spoke. "Is my room still here?" I looked at my dad at the head of the table.

"Yes, why would it not be?" He frowned at me.

I looked at the girls. "You two can stay there. Do you mind sharing a bed?" 

They both nodded their heads. "So this is the place you told me about..." Jessica smiled at me then looked at my family. "To think how time has seemed to change everyone, to think that it wasn't long after that I met you." She sighed and looked back at me with a sad smile. "Simon would probably be enjoying this. He was more into supernaturals." Then a happy smile appeared. "Remember when he took you out to celebrate, you both came home with more than when youse went out." She laughed.

I smiled at her. "After all of this it will be your turn." I laughed with her. Jessica so easily made me forget that anyone else was there. I knew she was sad though. She hadn't much less spoke to Simon from the day she left. She was brave and ready for anything but I couldn't let her lightness be taken for the world. She was like Lexi to me and I had always wanted to protect Lexi. I looked at Lexi and smiled at her. I would protect them and those they love. "Why don't you go ring Simon?" I smiled at Jessica.

She seemed shocked but excited. "Really?" 

I reached into my bag and pulled out one of my phones and got Simons number up on it for her. "Here." I handed it to her over the table. "Go upstairs, go left and to the bottom of the hall. Door on the right." I told her where my room was.

She beamed as she grabbed the phone from me and ran upstairs.

"What did you go home with?" Danny questioned.

I looked down at the table and smiled sadly. "A happy memory." A sharp pain went through my chest and the feeling like I was going to throw up started to form. I coughed a couple of times and when I looked at my hand there was blood.

My eyes changed to red and my skin started to burn. 

"Ari, what's wrong?" Noah sounded worried.

I stood up wipping the blood on to my trousers. "I'm fine." I noticed my hands shaking. 

"Aria." Lexi stood up.

"I told you not to push yourself earlier." Alex mumbled.

That made me twitch slightly in anger. "Oh shut up. My body has healed worse things that has happened to me. It will heal over this." 

"You don't even know what 'this' is." He looked at me in a 'matter of factly' way.

My happy mood was gone and now I was just pissed again and in pain. I didn't want to fight with people. I wanted nothing more than to go and get away from everything, to be on my own and away from people never sounded so good. I wanted more than anything to have this all completely over with so that I could just leave again. I was too different from what I used to be and even though my family seemed to somewhat welcome me, I knew, I knew that they were still on the fence about what I had become. How could they not be? 

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