Chapter 20: Road Trip

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Not long after we had left the rain had lightly started. It was nice to listen to it hit off the car, it made the car ride a bit more calming and peaceful.

The three of them talked away during the journey and I chimed in now and again but as time ticked on the girls started to grow silent then eventually they fell asleep. I looked at Alex and he didn't seem tired, he seemed alert and tense. 

"You ok?" I asked him.

He quickly glanced at me then released his tight grip on the stirring wheel letting his knuckles turn back to a relaxed tone instead of white. "Yea, you?" 

"Are you sure?" I pushed.

He let out a little laugh that was clearly forced. "Yes, Aria, I'm fine." I stared at him a little longer, he looked at me and smiled a killer smile at me. "I'd tell you if I wasn't."

I smiled back at him. "Ok." 

He looked away from me and back at the road.

Liar. Did he forget I could hear peoples heart beats? He was hiding something from me but I couldn't push it with the other two in the car.  

Silence fell between us again and the only sound was the light breathing coming from the back seat and light rain drops on the roof of the car. 

After four hours on the road Alex pulled into a bar just on the outskirts of a small town that we just drove through. The bar was wooden and seemed a little run down, like it might fall down but that didn't stop it from people from heading to it. A group of five bikes had been parked outside it, joined by a dark blue pick up and someone standing outside having a smoke. 

"Oh good! I'm starving! Do you think they have nice food?" Jessica jumped forward, waking Scarlet up in the progress. 

"Pit stop? Good. I need the rest room." Scarlet pulled a jacket on.

We all got out of the car and I followed them as they walked in ahead of me. From what I could tell everyone in the bar was human, the man having a smoke outside was and I saw him clearly side glance at Scarlets ass. He caught my eye but I just walked past. 

I was surprised at how the inside was compared to the outside. Inside was old but not as rundown or old looking. It had different posters and prints as well as items lining the wooden walls. There was a pool table that had four biker looking people around it, then five people around a table not too far from it. Behind the bar was a wall of drink with a shotgun on display with a baseball bat. To the left of the bar was a wooden door with a sign above it saying 'restrooms' so that was were Scarlet was b-lining. 

Jessica plopped down at a table while Alex headed to the bar. While I sat down across from Jessica I noticed everyone stopped what they were doing for a second and looked at us then went back to what they were doing. 

Jessica looked around her at the stuff on the walls while Alex set a drink down in front of me. 

I sniffed it then looked at him raising an eye brow as he sat down beside Jessica. "Why? You do know this has no effect on me." 

He just shrugged at me. "Food will be here soon." He told Jessica.

He had gotten the drinks for them but it wasn't alcoholic. 

Scarlet had soon returned and sat down beside me. Food was soon delivered not long after her arrival. So while they ate their chips and burgers I knocked back the rest of the horrible drink then got up.

"Where you going?" Jessica asked between mouth fulls.

"Bathroom." I said as I walked away.

Through the restroom door there was a small hallway with floor that my boots slightly stuck to with every step I took towards the womens. Inside the actually restroom was nice, I had expected it to be dirty and smelly but I was surprised. It smelt nice and was very clean compared to the floor outside the door. There was graffiti and a broken sink but that was it. 

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