Chapter 16: One Hell of a Drug

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My body felt stiff and sore. It felt like I had been held in one position for a very long time but I guess that was close to the case. When I opened my eyes the world was slightly blurry and my head felt so light that it was sore. Rubbing my eyes didn't clear the blurriness but it wasn't like I was unable to move because of my sight. My eyes just made it seem like I misplaced my glasses, if I wore any, I could still see but it was just in blurry shapes of colours. My hand moved slowly to my phone in my pocket, I couldn't get it to move any faster or at a normal speed. When I got a hold of my phone my grip felt weak and almost felt like at any second my phone would fall through my grasp. 

Holding it closely to my face I saw that I had been sitting on this bench passed out for just over three hours which would explain why I felt so stiff. I had a couple of notifications on the phone but the writing was too small that my eyes just didn't want to focus. Shoving it back into my pocket at the same speed that it came out I took a deep breath to stop any form of panicking kicking in. I didn't know what was given to me so I didn't know if it was permanent or just temporary so there was no need to panic about anything. The main thing I had to think about was getting back to the house so I stood up and a little to quickly at that. 

Almost falling down again made me grab onto the side of the bench. My legs felt like jelly but I couldn't let that stop me from moving forward. My legs were wobbly while I walked but to everyone else it probably just seemed like I was drunk because walking in a straight line was unknown to me. Better them think I was drunk than drugged.

I slowly made my way to were I parked the car which took longer than it should have but not much I could have done about that. Getting into the back of the car I knew that I wouldn't be able to drive in my state and granted I didn't even have my licence and didn't like driving to start with. I didn't even want to take the car to the meeting but if I didn't I would have been late and while I lay my head down in the back of the car I was slightly glad I did take it. 

An annoying buzzing sound woke me from my lovely needed sleep. Without opening my eyes I grabbed the phone from my pocket and answered. 

"Aria!" Jessica screamed down the phone.

I hung up on her. My head was to sore to hear her scream down the phone to me. I sat up and opened my eyes, expecting them to still be blurry but when I could see clearly again I was happy. My body still felt stiff but it wasn't as sore. Looking out the windows then at my phone for the time it seemed I had slept a very long time as the moon was up high. 

My phone rang again. "Please don't shout." My voice came out in a croak.

"Aria, are you ok?" Jessica sounded panicked.

I coughed to try and get my voice normal again, it somewhat helped. "Could you come get the car?" 

"Yea, I'll get Alex to drive me, where are you?" She sounded even more worried.

"Come alone. I have money here to pay your taxi." After telling her where I was I hung up.

I didn't need Alex or Scarlet right now shouting at me for coming here alone. I also didn't feel well enough to attempt driving the car and Jessica was the only one that wouldn't judge me. 

It was a good half an hour before Jessica arrived and by then I was waiting against the car so that I didn't fall down with the money for her. If I wasn't against the car I would have fell down, my body felt so weak but just like my sight I assumed it would be fixed soon enough. 

"You look horrible, what happened?" Jessica gave me a quick once over with her eyes.

I got into the back of the car followed by her and once the door was closed I spoke. "The person I was meeting, Joshua, injected me with something. I was first passed out on a random bench but then I made it to the car." 

Demons Vampire: A Vampires Journeyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें