Chapter 21: Time to go home

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I had been trapped, pretty much, in the car for almost two days. After the demon thing with Ramen, Sally and Bob we didn't really stop. Eventually we did have to because Alex did need sleep and he wouldn't let anyone else drive, especially me (not like i was even legal to drive). 

When we did stop for him to sleep I had drank all the blood bags that I had left so I was now out and would have to get some. I didn't really want to drink in front of them, I was glad that we had stopped at a motel, it meant I could was the blood off my body. By that time the wounds had all healed so I was happy. No marks were left and to anyone it looked like nothing had even came close to hurting me. 

Once Alex had woke and everyone got food we soon started driving again and then I started to panic when I saw the signs and how close we were getting. 

Alex must have noticed how I was slightly panicking because he put his hand on my thigh and squeezed reassuringly. I smiled at him. He was a real friend but he truly didn't know what I was going through. He didn't know what was going to happen. He didn't know how much I had changed compared to what my family thought of me. No one really knew. 

We stopped at a hotel just past the town boarder and Alex had left me with the girls to get a room so that he could head home. It was night again and getting a room was pretty simple. I paid for it while Scarlet and Jessica made their way to the elevator. 

I had watched them, their backs to me. I was ready to run and I'd lie if I said I wasn't about to but Jessica had turned around to look at me just as I was going to walk away. 

It was around midnight when they had fell asleep so I decided to go down to the hotel bar. It was too late to run so why do it? Why not just get this all over and done with? Alex should have just took me to see them that night but of course he had to go home. He probably went to tell them everything then home to Lexi. 

Lexi was the reason I couldn't let him die. Simon was the reason I couldn't let Jessica die. Scarlet was just the reason I couldn't let Scarlet die, she was too smart and still had time and a chance to find love. That had to leave someone to take all the hits, that someone was me and the thought of all that scared me. So in an act of fear and the need for things to be back to normal I went to the bar. 

Bars, believe it or not, had become like a normal home for me. Even a hotel bar. Sitting at it made me remember the nights I had sat at one talking to my target or just keeping an eye on them. I smiled to myself after I ordered a drink, this is what I should still have been doing. 

"Ruff day?" A women sat down beside me.

I smirked, not looking up from the drink. "More like a ruff week."

I kind of wished that she didn't sit beside me but in the bar it was only me, a creepy looking man, a young looking business man on a laptop and a man and women in the corner of the room. Guess I was better than the creepy looking man. 

"You look almost to young to be in a bar drinking." She laughed a little. 

I looked at her. She looked in her mid-thirties, give or take a few years. She had short golden blonde hair shaping a small oval face that looked of pure innocents. She was beautiful. She wore a baby pink dress but I didn't know how long or short or even how tall the women was as she was sitting. She wasn't thin but she wasn't chubby, she was in the middle. She smelt nice, summery even though it was pretty much winter. Her heart was calm but there was a slight jump now and again to it.

She smiled at me, "You from around here?" She then ordered a glass of red wine.

I nodded, "Grew up here but moved away on my own about five years ago," I thought for a second, "Well I guess it would be almost six years now." 

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