Ariana's fear

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Graces POV

The next few days passed without fault Shadows been waiting on my every need an to be honest I can't believe he's not kicked up hell with some of the requests I've asked of him but no he's been a True gentleman.
The word of my pregnancy has managed to reach all corners of my husbands kingdom.
"Our kingdom" I hear grumbled from behind me I giggle and turn to face my husband who is approaching me from the doorway to our bedroom.
"Now my Queen do you plan on getting up at all this afternoon or are you just going to stay in bed rolling out your demands" he smirks.
I feel the bed dip bellow his weight as he sits at my feet and places them on his lap.
"I'm going to get up as soon as our children decide to stop causing me cramps and discomfort" I giggle and crawl down the bed curling into Shadows welcoming arms.
"They're only hungry" he mumbles placing a kiss to my forehead "that means you getting up of your royal arse and accompanying my brother and I hunting" his words make me giggle softly but more so make me smile with happiness over the past few days Shadow and Blade have been inseparable when Shadows not running about after me.
"Will Ariana come too" I question hopefully. I still can't believe how well I've clicked with that girl. We are complete opposites in all honesty but she's just so happy it leaves a positive effect on me.
"I'd think so Blade seems bloody joined at the hip with her" he grumbles pulling me to my feet.
"More like joined at the lips" I giggle and push him off gaining a challenging smirk from my husband.
"Ten minutes and them I expect you down at the bottom the stairs fully dressed and ready to hunt" he says softly but I can hear the warning undertone to his voice telling me not to disobey him.
Once Shadow leaves me I hurry to get ready. Pulling on a beautiful white summer dress I smile at my reflection my bump is showing slightly under the white fabric of my dress. Tying my hair up into a ponytail.
Descending down stairs I spot Ariana sitting cross legged at the door watching soundly out the window.
"What are you doing ?" I question and sit down beside her quietly awaiting her answer which doesn't come as I expect it too.
Normally Ariana would respond to me automatically she's very old fashioned when it comes to addressing the royal family which bothers me slightly I don't enjoy being treated like I am better than people and I sure as hell do not want my children brought up to see others as below them which sadly their father does.
"Something's coming your majesty" she whispers but doesn't pull her eyes from the window.
"Ariana what are you talking about" I question and try to slip my hand into hers but she pulls away coldly.
Once she realises what she's done she cowers away from me "forgive me My Queen please forgive me I didn't mean..." She whimpers and the happy girl I've seen over the last few days has vanished and is replaced with fear.
"Ariana it's fine I'm not offended" I whisper and pull he small body into my arms. "You look like you need to rest maybe you should sit this hunt out"
Before Ariana even opens her mouth I hear Blades voice boom "No shes fine" he grabs Ariana by the arm and pulls her to her feet "you my girl need to learn when you are allowed to speak" he growls at her.
"Please Grace don't listen to her babbling there isn't anything to worry about" he smiles and pulls Ariana from the room leaving me puzzled and confused.

Sorrrryyy sorrrrrryyyy exams have taken over I missed you all OMG I'm sorry.

Long update tomorrow I have ideas ?

Do you want dark Shadow back ?

Ariana ? What's she talking about ?

What's with blade at the end there ?

Suggestions ?

Comment and vote x
Love y'all x

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