Chapter Eighteen: Isn't He That Short Guy?

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I was getting impatient.

"Hurry!" I said. "You're going to be late."

"We're coming, we're coming!" Jordan whined.

"Almost finished, I swear!" Declan promised.

Bennett cursed. "Just give us a second!" 

"We don't have a second!" I groaned.

"Yes, we do!" All three of them said in unison.

"No, we don't!" I retorted back. "C'mon you guys! The movie is about to start!"

It was a Sunday afternoon, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and it was almost one o'clock, the time the movie will start. After the "Re-Contract of Starbucks incident" yesterday, we decided to watch a movie the next day. It was as if nothing happened, it was as if the past two weeks have never happened. And I'm a bit grateful of that. I didn't want to spend the next few weeks, maybe months dreading on what happened those two weeks. And I don't want to hold a grudge on the guys on that one, okay, two mistakes. I much rather move on with life and watch a movie. Which is exactly what we are doing.

"It's not my fault this idiot wants to buy everything to eat during the movie," Declan growled as he glared at Jordan.

"I'm not buying everything," Jordan said, feeling the eye roll in his voice. "Bennett is."

"Always a pleasure, Jordan," Bennett told him. "Always a pleasure."

"Well, are you almost done buying everything?" I demanded, before taking a sip of my drink.

"Almost," Jordan assured. "The cashier is adding it all up."

"Your total is going to be $97," someone said cheerfully from the background.

I nearly did a spit take. "What! Jordan, tell me you did not just spent $97 worth of snacks for this movie."

"Well technically, with tax it would be at least- how much is it with the tax?" There was a slight pause until he answered. "It would be actually a total of $102." 

"Jordan..." I growled.

"Okay, okay," he confessed. "It may sound like it's too much. But one, everyone knows that movie food is way overpriced." Okay I had to admit, it is. "And two, we are three full-grown boys-"

"Men," Declan corrected.

"Nice catch," Jordan said. "Men who will eat as much as we want."

"You want," Declan corrected again.

"Nice catch," Jordan said again.

"Well," I began, my voice in a deadly whisper. "You three full-grown men won't live to eat as much as you want if you don't get your butts to this movie in time."

Jordan chuckled nervously. "You're serious... aren't you?"


"Um miss?" Someone called out to me in a hush whisper. 

I looked up and saw an usher, about in his late 30s with a thick mustache under his beaked nose. He wore the classic usher hat over his thinning hair, and he wore a crisp red usher uniform. The movie theater was slightly dark, not as dark as it will be once the movie starts. Yet the usher still flashed light from his flashlight right into my eyes. I instantly looked away, hiding my eyes over my hand.

"Can I help you?" I asked, masking my irritation as best as I could.

"Yes, could you turn off your phone, ma'am?" he asked politely, masking his irritation as best as he could.

The Good Girl's Bad Boys [Book One of TGGBB Series] (Completed, Editing)Where stories live. Discover now