Chapter 10~ meet the parents

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I stood there looking at him straight in the eyes for, who knows how long.

"Do you mean?" My voice was hoarse and my eyes wide. He took both of my hands and kissed them.

"Of course, I've told you, I can't imagine life without you any more, you're in too deep now." He placed his hand over his heart.

I smiled. "I love you, Edward." We both leaned for a kiss and just when our lips were about to meet...

"Edward!" A female voice boomed. A woman was coming down the stairs, her red hair was so bright, her pale skin was so smooth and her smile was wide and beautiful. I found out where Edward got his eyes from.

"Mother," Edward went towards his mother.

"Edward, my boy, good to have you home." Boomed another voice, but it was a male this time. I looked up and saw one of the most handsome men I've seen. His pale skin went well with his brown hair; he looked like an older version of Edward.

He pats Edward on the back; it sounded like he was hitting a brick wall. They all have smiles on them.

"Hello father." Edward voice was different with his father; it was more respectful and serious. Then, Edward turns his attention to me. He smiled so wide and beautiful.

"Mother, father," Edward continued, he placed his hand on my back and pushed me forward and towards his parents. I had a smile on my face. It was my best smile, but the look they gave me it's something I'll never forget; they looked at me as if I if I was... SCUM! Especially the mother, a flash of disgust flashed through their eyes and they thought I didn't catch it but I certainly did; I ignored their look and kept the smile on.

"This Emilia-Emily for short-she's my girlfriend." Edward said; his parent's eyes widened as he said that. They looked at each other for a moment; it was that time, again, when they didn't say anything except look at each other.

{Edward's Point of View}

[A mortal?!] His mother shrieked.

[Mom...] Edward started.

[No, this is unacceptable... she's only food and nothing else.] The mom yelled.

[I love her, father back me up on this.] Edward moved his eyes to his father.

[Edward, we are royalty, you'll soon be on the throne, and you can't marry a mortal.] His father eyes said everything.

[I thought I got to chose whom I married?] Edward retorted.

[Yes, but you're suppose to pick a full blooded vampire!] The mom hissed. [What happened to Anne?]

[She's vain and an awful person.] Edward scrunched his nose at the sound of her name.

[She's full blooded and her parents are nobles.] The mom insisted.

[It doesn't matter I love her.] Edward hissed. [Let's argue some other time.]

"Emily loves to read." Edward said.

The mom(Elizabeth) smiled. "Do you?"

"Yeah." Emily admitted sheepishly.

"She was the top of her class." Edward said proudly.

"That's impressive." said the dad, named Henry.

{Emily's Point of View}

As we rode back to the Heartstein castle I was holding back the tears but it was impossible so as they went down my cheek I agressively wiped them away. The children were fast asleep on the limousine, so it was only me and Edward who were awake.

"Love, what is wrong?" He was concerned. I turned my body away from him.

"Nothing." I lied and my voice was low.

"You know I don't like it when you lie to me." He said sternly.

[It's your parents.] I thought.

"Is it my parents?" Edwar guessed right, yeah right.

"They didn't like me." I said.

"What makes you say that?" Edward asked.

"I don't know, maybe it had to do with the way they looked at me?" I snapped sarcastically. "Sorry."

"It's okay love. I understand." Edward kissed my forehead. "Give them time. They just have to get to know the Emily I love so dearly."

I smiled. "You always have the right words to say."

"It's one of my many charms." Edward winked and I laughed but then he placed his hand over my mouth and pointed at the children.

"Oops." I said.

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