Chapter 5~ what are you doing?

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{Emily's Point of View}

"What did the doctor say, Emily?" Eve asked.

"He said he needs some sort of expensive medicine." I said while playing with my fingers. She motions me to go on."I really need a big favor Evelyn."

"What would that be?" she asked almost smiling, like she knew she had me trapped, which she did.

"I was wondering if you could do me the favor of...saving my brother." I said, I fought the tears as I bit my lips and waited for an answer."In return I'll do anything."

She smiled."Of course I'll help you."

I took a deep breath.

"But," she said raising her finger."in return you will do the favor I ask later, no questions asked?"

"No questions asked." I said nodded my head and smiled. I should've looked for another way out.

"I'll have Sam take care of James from now on. So don't you worry. He'll be excused from school for the next week and until he is fully recovered." she said.

"Thank you so much Evelyn. You litteraly saved my family. I'm forever in your debt." I said. She nods.


For the rest of the week I avoided Matthew. I knew if I locked eyes with him, I would fall into his arms and begged him to kiss me. He suddenly and unexpectly took over my dreams. But not in the way you would think.

It was dark and the only light source was coming from a door. I knew behind that closed door was freedom and safety, but as soon as I touched the door knob my hand would be pulled away and my brown chocolate eyes would his blue ocean eyes. I would tell him to let me go, he only laughed, well he laughed maliciously. It made me scared and unsafe. He forcefully pulls me towards his chest. His blue gorgeous eyes suddenly turn a dangerous red and fangs are shown. Fear clearly in my eyes I scream for help, but he only laughs at my fear. I usually end up waking up before it could've gone further.

My dreams were clearly a sign, a rule. Never liked obeying rules.

Evelyn said she always had big elegant party on Christmas Eve. That day was the most busiest day I had. Everyone and everything needed my assistance. Why couldn't man invent something that would help me communicate faster, like one of those 'Phones' but I could take it anywhere.

"Emily, could I have a moment with you?" asked Evelyn from the top of the stairs.

"Uh, sure." I said confused as to why she needed me."I'll be back. Don't break anything you two." I had warned Daniel and Jacob.

"Okay Emily." they chorused. I flashed them a smile and ruffled their hair. I jogged upstairs and as I passed by a room I heard a familiar annoying voice.

"Mattie, tell what do you think of this one?" Madeline's voice could be the worst thing that could've happened to me.

I couldn't resist, the door was opened, so I peeked in. There she was Madeline. School slut. She had a dressed that made her look like a model from one of those magazines. It fit her so right.

"Mattie!" she whined and stomped her foot like a little kid.

"Huh? What? look great." he absently said, like he was thinking of something or someone.

"Mattie as my boyfriend and future husband, you're suppose to pay attention." she said. Right there I felt my heart in my stomach.

He was engaged? Of course he was engaged. I mean how could've I possibly think he and I could have something. He was rich and handsome and I was poor and boring.

"Uh, what are you doing? Are you spying on us?" Madeline's voice was towards me and I stood frozen at the door. She stomped her way to the door and swunged it opened.

"Emily." when he said my name so gently and suave I felt butterflies in my stomach. I blushed. He made me so nervous.

"So sorry." I curtsied and walked away quickly, almost ran to Eve's room. I knocked twice.

"Come in." she said and without a second thought I opened and closed the door behind me as I entered."Why are you so startled, child?"

"Not-nothing." I shaked my head and hid my nerves with a smile. She shrugged her shoulders.

"The party tonight is going to have many important people. Everything must go smoothly." She said as walked around her room and I followed like a little obedient dog.

"Yes ma'm." I nodded my head.

"Please make sure the dinner is served on time and everything goes in order." she said.

"Yes ma'm." I nodded again.

"Good." she stopped walking and I almost bumped into her. She looks at me up and down."Tell me Emily, do you own a dress?"

I snorted and then covered my mouth."Sorry ma'm it came out--"

"It's alright. Then I'll take that as a no?" I nod my head once. She thought for a second."I think I have a dress for you to wear tonight."

"It's alright ma'm. I wish to spend the rest of the night with my brothers and sister. It's been a long time since we've had a decent christmas." I said in a apologetic tone.

She seemed to have a rough time swalling what I had said but then simply nodded.

"Alright, let's call it a rain check." she smiled.

"Yes ma'm." I returned her a smile.

Knock Knock

"Come in." said Evelyn as she turned her back to me and faced the counter.

"Mother, you wished to talk to me?" I knew his voice from anyone. I turned my heel and started to walk away.

"Emily." Evelyn called. I was just at the door near Matthew, reluctantly I turned back. The coldness of Matthew was picked up by my warm body.

"Merry Christmas." She smiled.

"Merry Christmas Mrs. Hear--I mean Evelyn." I catched myself before making a mistake. I turned my heel and started to walk out again.

"Merry Christmas, Emily." his voice called to me. I stopped and for a second didn't turn back, but when I did I had a smiled.

"Thank you, Mr. Heartstein. Merry Christmas to you too." his face frowned when I had called him Mr. I ignored his frown and walked back down stairs.

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