Chapter 13~ Kiss me

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My mouth hung open in shock.

“You’re lying.” I said nonchalantly.

“Why would I lie, dear cousin?” Hunter smirked.

“Because… Edward is royal blood and a prince with a mortal is just… just… unheard of.” I mumbled.

“Is that really it? Or are you just jealous?” Hunter raised an eyebrow and grinned evilly at me.

I darkened my look. “Don’t be ridiculous. Me? Fall for a mortal? Not in a million years.” I was so sure of myself.

He rolls his eyes at my answer.

“I have a reputation to keep.” I added.

“Sure, whatever you say, Matt.” Hunter tone was suspicious, like he didn’t believe me.

{Emily’s Point of View}

I was so proud of myself. Hunter didn’t recognize me and I was left alone. I started to wonder around the ball room and looking at there fascinating people… but how could they be so beautiful? It’s so absurd; I couldn’t stop looking at them and their flawless features. Every inch of them was perfect and yet they lived among normal people.

“Enjoying your-self my dear?” Her voice had come out of nowhere and it startled me and I jumped and turned to Rose; she had a wicked smile on her lips.

I took a few seconds to calm my heart rate down and then answered her.

“Yes, it’s a lovely part Mrs. ---“

She waves her hand in modesty. “Please Emily, call me Rose.”

I nodded. “Rose, it’s a lovely party. I’ve never seen so many wealthy people in one room before.”

“Where is it that you come from?” She sounded casual.

“New Jersey.” I answered and she nods her head.

“Is it a dangerous place?” She asked.

“Not really… just really poor.” My tone was poignant.

She nods her head in comprehension.

“Have you talked to Edward about… anything?” She was holding something back and I knew something was wrong at the pit of my stomach.

“Of course of talked to him… he said he would tell me something later.” I said carefully remembering his words.

“Well, I’m sure he’ll tell you when he’s ready.” This had caught me attention.

“Tell me what, exactly?” I asked nervously.

“It’s none of my business.” She raised her hands in defense.

“Is he… engaged to someone else?” My voice threatens to break.

She moves her head side to side showing that she’s not sure if she should tell me.

“Please,” I begged. “I need to know.”

“Emily!” Speak of the devil, Edward came to my side. “Mother.”

“Edward, I’m just chatting here with Emily.” She smiled from ear to ear.

Edward drapes his arm around my waist for security.

“Well, I’m going to steal my girl for a while, mother.” Edward smirked.

“Don’t mind me, son.” She said and walked past us; I felt a weird vibe and it was making doubt Edward’s word.

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