Chapter 8~ You never look ugly

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So, how many things can you guess can happen in six months? Not a lot? Well, to me several things happened to me. The more I got to know Edward the more I liked him. He gave me a secure feeling that he didn't want to get me in bed so fast, that he wanted something more with me. It was really cute when he got confused and mumbled things; I had to admit, I was slowly falling in love with Edward. This seemed to agree with Evelyn, in fact she encouraged for us to go out. At first I thought it was suspicious, but it didn't matter.(This is Emily)

Well, Edward, after three months of constant flirting, asked me to be his girlfriend--he even got on one knee--and I said yes. So let me explain how it happened. We were in the garden outside the castle and I was admiring the roses.

As I was looking at the roses I felt movement behind me, I twirled and found Edward on one knee, and he took my hand and looked straight into my eyes.

"Emilia Halo Johnson, these past three months have been the best of my entire life. I can't imagine my life without you, please be my girlfriend?" His eyes held hope.

I half-smiled. "Yes." He got up from his knee position and lift me by my waist and spun me around two times, as he brought me down, I noticed how close he had me to him. He went in for the longed kiss and I leaned in and... Our lips met. His were cold and almost marble-like and mine were the exact opposite; mine were warm and soft. I snaked my arms around his neck and held him tightly and his hand was on my back; almost like he was afraid I was going to pull out. But I really thought Edward was the one. I was entirely wrong.

For our three month anniversary, Edward took me to a fancy dinner, a place I couldn't even pronounce. It was all formal, so Evelyn got me a beautiful dress; it was strapless, long, white, but the corset was black. My hair was pulled into a fancy hairstyle; I felt like a princess and I couldn't wait to see my Prince Charming.

A fancy car waited for me outside the castle. Edward's back was turned to me; I tapped his shoulder twice as I had reached the last steps. He twirls around and as soon as his eyes landed on me they widened in shock. He looked at me up and down.

{Edward's Point of View} (Third Person)

Edward couldn't believe what lay in front of his eyes; the most beautiful girl in the human realm. She looked like a princess and the smile on her face made Edward feel something he had never felt before, he swore it was love, but he couldn't be sure because Vampires couldn't love. But Emily was an exception; she was something more, she wasn't trying to win her heart by selling herself out, no she was sincere, and sincerity in a girl, especially a human girl, Edward had never seen.

She was innocent, that's why white on her fit her perfectly. He wanted to tell Emily what he really was, who he really was, but he was scared that she might be scared and leave him. He wouldn't bare the pain if he ever knew he was the reason for Emily's tears. Edward could really see his eternity with Emily.

"Is something wrong? Do I look ugly?" She seemed really concerned.

Edward smiled. "You could never look ugly."

She chuckled. "You'll have to see me on my bad days and then tell me that in face so I could believe you." She had a sense of humor, which was something he really admired in a girl. Edward chuckled and took Emily's hand and kissed the top of it.

"Trust me Emily. You're gorgeous." Edward linked his arm with Emily's and walked her to the car, the driver opened the door and Emily entered and Edward followed.

[Emily's Point of View] (Regular Point of View)

The dinner went smoother than I had expected, well the beginning did. Edward had to order for me because I still didn't read French; he got me steak, he knew I was a girl with appetite.

"Tell me more about yourself, Emily." Edward looked at me and I felt my cheeks turned red that was his affect on me.

"What else is there to say?" I asked, our plates arrived and I started to eat my steak, all fancy like.

"Was there something going on between you and Matthew?" The food that was half way down my throat stopped and I started to choke on the piece of steak, but I past it down and gasped for air.

"No," I lied. "He's a jerk." This seemed to satisfy Edward and smiled, it was more of a relief smile. I felt guilty for lying to Edward, he had been so nice to me and I lied to his face.

"Well, looker here. It's my favorite girl." A voice said. I turned my head towards the masculine voice and rolled my eyes as I recognized the person. Hunter.

"Hello, Hunter." Edward smiled.

"Hello, Edward." Hunter said not taking his eyes off my cleavage, which made me feel uncomfortable. Edward seemed to have noticed.

"Hunter, I'm going to ask you nicely to stop staring at my girl's cleavage." Edward had venom in his voice and Hunter quickly looked away.

Hunter chuckles nervously. "Would you like to dance, Emily? It would be such an honor."

"Well I--"

"Great." Hunter yanked me by the wrist to the dancing platform of the fancy restaurant. It was just waltz and I had no idea how to dance. But then the music stopped and something else began to play. Hunter brought me closer to his body, I let out a huff when he had pulled me closer, and his hard chest had taken my breath away. "Sorry."

"It's all right." I said, I scrunched my nose.

"I meant about looking at your cleavage as well." His voice next to my ear sent shivers all over my body. He leaned in closer, his lips on my earlobe. "I can't forget that New Year's night," I blushed and he chuckled. "You look so cute when you blush. You still owe me something."

"And what would that be, Hunter?" My voice cracked when I had said his name.

"The privilege to taste those sweet lips." He leaned out and then back in and crashed his lips on me. I stopped dancing--we were just moving side to side--at first I wanted to pull away, but ever-so-slowly I was letting him kiss me, but before I could've responded he was pulled away and then I hear a punch. Edward had pulled Hunter off me and punched him on the jaw. Hunter held his jaw and groaned in pain. Edward then yanked me by the wrist next to him.

"Don't you ever lay a single finger on her again, got it?" Edward was furious a side of him I had never seen and it scared me.

"Edward--" But he dragged me behind him as he fast walked, I tried to keep up but it was like he was running. He didn't stop until we were outside the restaurant. The valet parking boy looked at me and smiled.

"It's the Model A limo." Edward spat at the boy, but the boy didn't move he merely kept his eyes on me. "I said it's the Model A limo." I could've sworn he growled at the boy, who jumped scared and quickly went for the car.

"Edward, sweetie, calm down." I touched his shoulder and looked at his fists; his knuckles were whiter than usual, another sign I should've taken into consideration.

"Calm down?! Calm down?!" He threw his hands in the air hysterically. "How can I calm down when every guy ogles you and lusts for you right in front of my face like I don't exist?!" I was embarrassed by his statement. His right fist was shaking in anger. His back was turned to me, I went around him and hugged him around the waists and laid my head on his hard chest.

"Because you should know I belong to you and only you." I gave him a reassuring smile. The car came. Edward had calmed down and felt more relaxed after I had told him that.

We shared intimate kisses in the car on our way home. Edward was safe and I really liked feeling safe. What could possibly go wrong?

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