Chapter 6~ hunter heartstein

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{Emily's Point of View}

"Hello," said Joanna, I putted on a huge smile of relief, she was my heroine.

"Hello," Everyone greeted.

"Is it alright if I steal her away, big brother?" Joanna asked Edward.

"He's your brother?" I asked shocked, I gave an apologetic look as soon as I had realized what I had done. "Sorry."

"It's alright, we don't look alike, at all." She emphezised the last part.

I giggled/chuckled. Joanna took me by the arm and walked me out of the awkward situation.

"Thank you." I said as we got out of ear-shot. She smiled warmly at me.

"You're welcome; I had to save you, you looked so lost." She said.

"I was, I had no idea what was going on. It was so silent." I said embarressed.

Most of the time I talked to Joanna. She told me her stories of going to England and France. I told her how much I wanted to continue my education and become a doctor. She had so many stories that most of the time I was listening to her detailed stories. She had this voice that made you want to listen, her voice had the right tone and everything. We instantly became friends, though we were from total different social classes, we understood each other. She was my one friend I had made in a long time, most had moved to other places because of the depression, but the depression was everywhere.

Dinner was announced and everyone headed towards the dining room. I greeted my brothers and sister as I passed the kids table. Olivia was wearing a white dress with a black ribbon going around her waist and at the back it made a bow. The boys had little tuxes that Thomas had provided for them. At the "adult" table, which was of course long and rectangular, had candle set and dinner plates. There was a glass with water and another glass with a red substance, wine. Right... uh... No.

"You look so lovely." Edward's French accent was so smooth and seductive. My cheeks blushed as he sat next to me.

"Thank you. You look handsome yourself." I complimented.

"One tries." He smiled and I returned it. "Where are you from?"

"The US?" I answered unsure, he chuckled.

"I meant here." He holded a laugh and I got a little angry at that.

"New Jersey." I answered sharply and turned my head straight ahead towards... Matthew. I sighed heavily as I wanted to punch the grin off his face.

"Very nice place." said Edward. I cocked an eyebrow in confusion, was he serious? Had he actually been to New Jersey lately?

I didn't say anything and smiled and nodded in agreement. Last thing I wanted was to get him mad, because he would then tell Evelyn and I didn't want to betray her. I'm too nice... seriously, I am. Most of dinner Edward talked about himself and how many things he owned and his cars. It was really irritating because while he had his luxuries there was people starving to death, families being torn apart; like mine, and most of all people had no hope. I had to restrain myself from slapping Edward and screaming at him the real reality of life in the US.

"You should really---"

"Excuse me, Edward, I have to use the ladies room." I faked a smile as I stood from my chair, several gentlemen stood up as I did. As I was out of the dining room; I went to the kids table to see my family.

"Emily!" All of them exclaimed as I entered the room and almost tackled me to the ground.

I laughed as I hugged them back with all of my strength.

"You kids behaving?" I asked as we pulled apart.

"Yes." They answered in unison.

"Good, now I have to go use the bathroom." I gave them each a kiss on the cheek--I had to force the boys--and walked out of the room and headed towards the bathroom. I hummed to myself as I walked down the hall of the castle, I took a moment to look at the paintings. Most of the paintings were from families. I looked at the one with Thomas, Evelyn and Matthew, except they were wearing 17th century clothes. 'Maybe it's for the painting.' I convinced myself and shaked any bad thoughts away.

I reached the bathroom and did my business and went out.

"Well, well, well, look at we have here." an unfamiliar voice came at the end of the hall. There stood a guy, about 6'0, pale as the moon, a smirk on his perfect lips, his arms folded on his chest, and his eccentric green eyes glued to me.

"Hello." I felt a bit weird. He steps towards me, were like predicted, his every more predicted.

"You're Emilia, aren't you?" His index finger pointed at me.

"Yes... sorry if I sound rude, but do I know you?" I asked, he was only two feet away from me, his shadow towered over me.

"Pardon me," He chuckled, "where are my manners, my name is Hunter...I'm Matthew's cousin."

"Oh." Was all I said. I was still mad with Matthew, who wouldn't, he just wanted to get me in bed.

"So, I heard you're from New Jersey... it was my favorite place to visit... before the depression of course." He added the last part quickly.

"Mm-hm." I agreed."I miss it. I feel trapped here for some reason." Whoa, where did that come from? I was never good at admitting stuff to myself, let alone a guy I just met.

"You've never traveled?" He asked.

I laughed unintentionally. "I wish. Before I came here I was sort of stealing to eat... for me and my family." Once again I was telling the truth. "Then... my mother died." Sadness was in my voice.

"I'm sorry to hear that." He said compassionately.

"Don't be... she was an alcoholic... but she was still my mother... I have to go." I said as I began to walk away.

"Wait." He called after me--I turned around and faced him with a slight confused look.

"Yes?" I asked. He sighed heavily and tucked his hands in his pockets.

"Do you wanna go somewhere else? I can tell you're not very comfortable... especially with Edward." He emphazised 'Edward'.

I thought about it for a moment. He was absolutely correct.

"Sure." I said. He held out his hand towards me and I hesitated for a second as I looked at his hand.

"Hey, it's okay, you can trust me." He said in a smooth voice.

I gave in and took his hand.

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