Chapter 9~ edwards mansion

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I yawned as I stretched and stepped out of bed. A smile glued to my face; last night was so beautiful. Edward had been so romantic, everything had perfect--except for the part when Hunter arrived--and I had never felt so happy.

"Morning sister!" Olivia jumped on my bed and kept jumping.

"Stand still, Olivia Olive." I laughed and held her by the shoulders.

"How was dinner with Eddie?" Olivia called Edward Eddie, and he didn't seem to mind at all. I lifted Olivia and placed her on my lap as I sat on the edge of the bed.

"Wonderful." I smiled widely.

"Details. Details." She clapped her hands together in joy.

"Well, he took me to the nicest restaurant in town. (Olivia ah's.) The place was so romantic. We ate and we laughed. We got intimate." I poked her stomach and she made a funny face.

"Gross, no more details." She raised her hands in defeat.

"I wasn't planning on giving you details." I lifted her off me and on her feet.

"Let's eat, I'm hungry." Olivia pulled my hand to get me moving, but I didn't budge so

she kept pulling me and I just laughed at her funny attempt trying to move me.

"EMILY!" She stomped up and down and whined.

"Okay, all right, let's go then." I pushed her so she could walk.

We walked in the kitchen and greeted all of the service staff.

"I can see dinner with Mr. Chanel (Edward) went well." Lara, the head of the maids, grinned at me.

"Yes, it went perfectly well... except for the part when Hunter came in...and....Ugh!" I shook my hands in anger.

"Mr. Heartstein still trying to get up your skirt?" Lara smirked at me evilly and I scoffed.

"Seriously, why is he all over me? He knows I have a boyfriend, I've got nothing to offer him, what is wrong with that man?" I gave out a little yell of frustration. Everyone in the kitchen laughed at my little outburst.

"Yeah, laugh at my misery." I narrowed my eyes at everyone in the kitchen, which only caused more laughter.

"Emily! Emily!" Evelyn was calling out for me. I got up from my seat and quickly entered the dining room and curtsied.

"Yes, ma'am?" I still couldn't take the smile on my face.

"I see things went well with Edward." She grinned just like Lara had. I nod my head.

"Good then, well then, please have the maids ready my son's room."

I froze. "Your son's?" I said it slowly.

"Yes, he is coming home for summer vacations, but that's until next week, but I want everything to be perfect." She gave me a serious look. "Did you get that, Emily?"

"Yes ma'am." I said a little too quickly. I curtsied and started to walk away when she called back for me.

"Oh, and Emily," I turned back to her. "Remember that you have a boyfriend." She winked at me and I gave her a weak smile.

"Yes ma'am." I nodded one more time and this time left.

I slumped back into my seat. Everything was going perfect, now Matthew was going to ruin everything.

[No, I won't let it happen. Plus, I've got Edward and I love him. I love him.] I assured myself, well more like convincing myself.

"Emily!" Barked Lara at me.

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