Chapter 29~ Damn your soul!

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Alexander seemed shocked at my disinterest.

"It means you're meant to save man-kind." He looked at me straight in the eyes.

I looked away momentarily and blinked longer than a standard blink.

"Why?" I had a mouth full of bacon.

Alexander was really surprised. He did the same thing as Anne, opening and closing his mouth.

"Because it's your destiny, nay, your duty!" He slammed his hand on the table. Some of them jumped at his out rage but I didn't even twitch.

I took a moment to think. When had I become Jesus? Save man-kind? I mean sure I was fast and strong, but there were bound to be stronger and faster vampires than me. How was I, simple girl from New Jersey, going to save man-kind from my own kind?

"Emily, you're meant to bring down the vampires." Nicholas sounded more mature.

"But I am a vampire!" I hissed.

"Not entirely, why do you think you heart still beats?" Ray spoke for the first time this morning.

"I still need blood to live." I pointed out.

"You're not going to follow your destiny?" William asked, shocked.

"Life hasn't been kind to me." I said meloncholy.

"That doesn't mean you should give up." Nicholas smart mouth got me there.

"Think about your family." Nicholas added.

He got me there. They were my world and they needed a safe place to live their normal lives. I looked at him and he had a victorious smirk on his face.

"Family?!" Anne spat. "You have--"

"What do you want me to do?" I cut her off and turned to Alexander.

"Train my men. They need to know how to kill vampires."


"All right listen up, pathetic mortals!" I yelled, I was in a training room, much like the one with Itachi-sensie. "Sit on the floor!"

The men and some women looked at each other.

"Uh, did I fucking stutter?!" I roared my eyes flashed dangerously red.

The scrambled around for a bit before settling in front of me. I smirked.

"When I blow my whistle once it will mean to sit on the floor where ever you may be. Unless you're up high. Sitting on the floor sends a clear message. You're the weak and sit low, I am the strongest making me the one standing up and looking down at you. Got it?!"

"Yes ma'am!" They chorused.

"Good. There are a few things that can kill a vampire: Werewolves, shredding them to pieces and burning their remains and last but not least... dead man's blood."

I could hear a few of their questions in their heads.

"Dead man's blood is like poison to us, but since we have to drink or be injected with it, the best way is to kill us is to cut our head off and then shred us to pieces. Any questions?" I clapped my hands together in the end.

Everyone looked at each other and only one person raised their hand. It was a girl, who had brown hair tied back in a french braid and she had that cocky look on her face.


"Private Mansen, at your service. Um, why are you helping us?"

"Because I can. Any smart questions? No? Let's begin training. Oh and for the record, every second you're late that means one pull up or push up, depends on my mood that morning." I shrugged.

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