Chapter 23~ Those days are over

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The next morning I woke up early to do my morning trainning. I ran for about an hour and a half around the woods. I went back to take a shower and go to the Chanel house. Matthew wanted to come with me but I told him I was better off on my own.

On the way to Chanel house I was thinking of many ways to avoid Edward. I was going to keep myself busy in the trainning room.

I went through the back door of the Chanel castle/mansion. I was greeted by the staff with a bow of their heads. I smiled at them sincerely as I headed out the kitchen.

I made it to the training room safe.

"Ah! My favorite student." Itachi's voice boomed through out the room. I turned around with a smile and dropped it as I saw who was in the room.

Edward had a particular smile on his face.

"What are you doing here?!" I hissed as I went towards them.

"Devi, respect royalty! Have I not taught you respect?!" Itachi sounded insulted.

"My apologies, master." I bowed my head and then turned my body towards Edward and curtsied. "Your sire."

"Good, now, Devi is the best student I have taught." Itachi went on as if nothing had happened.

[Yeah. Taught her to be cold and heartless.] Edward thought.

"Heartless?" I snapped angrily at his words.

Edward opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of the water. "How did you know?"

"I'm a vampire, you ido--... I mean... I heard you." I corrected myself as soon as I felt Itachi's eyes glare at me at the corner of my eye. I cleared my throat and hanged my head in shame.

"The Queen has asked me to train Prince Edward for he is to become King soon."

I kept my eyes on the ground with no expression on my face but on the inside I was screaming at the top of lungs. King meant I was going to lose him forever. I took several deep breaths.

"My Prince take a sword and duel with Devi here. I need to know what I need to teach you, my lord." Itachi clapped his hand.

I reached out my hand and with my powers I brought a sword to my hand. Edward seemed a little envious by the look on his face.

"What, my Prince, afraid a mere girl will hurt you?" I smirked evilly at him and his face looked like he had just taken a slap.

Edward ignored my comment and went over to the wall and took out the heaviest one out of the bunch. He may be able to carry it but move it fast would be a challenge because these swords were made especially for vampires.

"Now sire, I want to win fair and square, and with that sword it will be too easy to defeat you." I looked over to Itachi and he had a worried look on his face.

"Look, I'm the Prince and I chose this sword!" Edward snapped. I think he expected me to be taken back by his sudden snap comment but I didn't even flinch.

"Okay, my lord." I raised my sword easily and the tip faced him.

With struggle he raised sword and tried pull it off as if it didn't weigh anything.

"Begin!" Itachi instructed.

"Ah!" Edward was making the same mistake as the werewolf from the woods, he was attacking with his emotions. Anger and Jealousy.

I blocked his attack with my sword. "Mmh! You're just like that werewolf!"

His eyes widen and rage took over him, exactly what I wanted him to feel because it's what I felt when he married Anne and betrayed me.

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