Chapter 2~ Matthew

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Over the past few months, I had my suspicions about the family's true nature.

I met the husband on my second day. His name was Thomas, he said to call him Tom, but I preffered Mr instead. He was of course pale, blond and extremely handsome. His eyes stood out the most they were a clear blue, very memorizing. His smile would bring back the dead. He looked only about forty or less.

Private school wasn't so bad. I did learn new things, and though the nuns were strict, I liked it. Most of the kids in the school were gods and goddess, but they weren't stuck up, well not all.

Madeline Majin, the most popular girl. cough*slut*cough. She had pale skin, waist length blond hair, blue eyes and a model's body. Her family was really close to the Heartstein's.

My brothers and sister also loved school. Olivia didn't like wearing the skirt, like I didn't, but we managed to deal with it. After school I would quickly become Mrs. Heartstein's assistant. I would be the one making sure her schedule went as planned. Sort of like a secretary.

After a while, I started to think the most outragous things, at least back then I thought it was. I thought they were Vampires! Though I was correct, I had no idea. I read about vampires in books like Dracula, never thought they exsisted.

My first suspicion was when I noticed that at night, and I was staying up doing homework, I would hear the front door open. Then at dinner they would drink this red liquid, which I always thought it was wine, but then I noticed how thick it was to be wine. Also at times they had different color of eyes, sometimes they were black and others they were their regular color.

Before I knew it, Christmas, was only two weeks away. Evelyn, Mrs. Heartstein's son was coming back from England. Evelyn's parents were actually british and so was Thomas'. Evelyn, I'll called her Eve, wanted everything perfect for the arrival of her son. Like she had said before he was arriving from Oxford University. I had heard of that school and always wondered how it looked like.

On the morning of his arrival, on a Saturday, I was quite busy, making sure the maids had breakfast ready and that the dining room was ready. Eve, said that she wanted to have breakfast with her family... only. I told her it was fine and that me and my brothers and sister would eat in the kitchen with the staff.

Another T-Model car parked outside the oval drive way. I saw the driver come out and go around, and that was all. Olivia had told me that the boys had started a food fight in the kitchen, before I could have even have a glance at the son, I had to run to the kitchen and stop the boys.

"Jacob! Daniel!" I barked, the kitchen table was a mess, ketchup and syrup all over it."What do you think you are doing?!"

"We got bored, sister." said Daniel with a puppy face.

"I don't care, we are guest in this house. Have more respect. Now where is James?" I ordered.

"He's in bed, he said he didn't feel good." said Jacob.

I sighed."He still has the effects of the influenza, I'll ask Mrs. Heartstein if I could take him to hospital later. Now clean this mess!"

"Yes sister!" they chorused and reluctantly started to clean the table.

"Sister, can we go to the park today?" Olivia pulled on my shirt.

"I'll see what I can do. Now, why don't we play hide and go seek?" I tickled her and she let's her self fall to the floor and I picked her up and made funny noises. Olivia giggles."I'll go first." I dropped her and walked over the nearest wall and started to count. " one...two...three...four...five..." I got to thirty "thirty... ready or not here I come."

I went to the kitchen den and found it empty, at the kitchen, Daniel and Jacob were still cleaning. I stopped for a second and thought of the many places she could be. I quietly went upstairs and looked right and left of the hallway. I then heard a giggle coming from an open door room. I smiled to myself and headed right.

"Mmmh I wonder where would Olivia olive, could be." Olivia olive was her nickname. I leaned against the wall frame of the door of the room and then entered. The room was pretty big and had a huge view of the forrest and mountains. The sheets were black and red. I looked around in awe, this room was incredible. I saw the bed and smirked. I casually walked to the bed and sat on my knees and lifted the covers. "GOTCHA!" but there was no one there. I putted on a puzzled face.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" a musical-like voice made my blood flow stop. I put the covers down and stood up straight, still on my knees and looked towards the door frame. There he stood. This was the guy of my dreams. Straight black hair, skin pale as the moon, and the most amazing blue eyes. I was looking at a god, a god that was envied by all other gods. Even as I was sitting down I felt my knees weak by his presence, and his incredible smile, well smirk, but still.

He lifts himself off the door frame and walks towards me, I dumbfounded followed his every movement. Before I knew it, he was towering over me and offered his hand. "Need some help there?"

I take his hand and helps me up, that's when I noticed how tall he was compared to me. I was standing 5'3 and he was 6'0. I looked into his eyes and felt like he was reading my mind. He chuckles.

"Sorry, Mr. Heartstein," I said with a curtsy,"I was looking for my little sister."

"Oh," his voice more angelic than ever."the one standing at the door?"

I looked towards the door and found my little sister. I widen my eyes.

"Olivia." I growled; scared, Olivia started to run back to the kitchen. I started to walk towards the door and was going to follow Olivia downstairs, but before I could have reached the door a strong arm stopped me. I looked at the arm and then landed my eyes on his again.

"Are you new?" he asked, his head tilted in curiosity. I nodded. "How long?"

"Only a few months sir." I said. He chuckles.

"Don't call me Sir. I'm Matthew, and you lovely lady are?" he asked, I blushed as he called me lovely.

"I'm..." I started.

"Matthew," said Eve's voice from the door. I looked to my right and saw her. She had a expression couldn't explained, back then, but now I think it was worry or something.

"Mother I didn't know you hired such a beautiful doll." He said as he pulled me closer to him. I frozed.

"Matthew let her go. Ms. Johnson has duties." she said referring to me, but while she said that I sensed danger in her voice. Matthew let's go of his grip on me, and I slowly back away. Eve stops me at the door." Ms. Johnson. I need to talk to you later, right now there is a car outside to take your brother to the hospital. He's been sick for a while."

I widened my eyes in surprise, how did she know? I never told her about it and James never coughed loud enough. It was like she had read my mind. None of the less, I nodded and without a word nodded and walked off.

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