Chapter 11~ unbreakable spell

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Im sorry for not updating in 5 months. Ive been a bad kat :'c


"Why do you look so shocked to see me?" Matthew's breath was intoxicating. He stopped the blood flow in my circulatory system and just looking into his eyes they hypnotized me; I would go into some kind of unbreakable spell.

"Who-what are you doing here?" I struggled to say.

He smirked, how missed that smirk. "Well, I happen to live here." He said smugly.

"You're not supposed to be here for another two days." I still locked in eyes with him.

"What can I say? I couldn't wait to see you." He leaned for a kiss and just as he was about to touch my lips I turned my head and he kissed my cheek. "Now why did you do that for? Still nervous?"

"I have a boyfriend now, Mr. Heartstein." I was still looking away.

"Here we go with the 'Mr.' thing again." He muttered annoyed. "Who's the lucky bastard huh? Hunter?"

I scoffed. "No! He's a perverted person." I struggled to get out of my pinned position.

"Then who is it?" He half-demanded and he ignored my struggle.

I looked at him in shock.

[Why does he care?] I thought.

"Sorry sir, but I don't like to talk about my personal life, especially when the person is my boss' son." I kept my voice as serious as possible.

[Boyfriend? I'm not angry, I'm not angry... then why do I feel like shredding the guy into pieces?] Matthew argued to himself.

"Then I demand you to tell me who it is!" His eyes for a second flashed black and I blinked several times to make sure I had seen right. But my thoughts were distracted when I felt a pain on my wrist, his grip was getting tighter.

"Sir! You're hurting me!" I closed my eyes in pain.

"Let her go this instant!" A voiced hissed. Matthew released me from his grip and I brought my hands to my chest and rubbed my wrist. I looked at them and saw that there was going to be some bruising. "Emily! Emily!" The voice called, I looked up and saw Evelyn's worried eyes.

"I'm alright, just a little dizzy." I said I felt my head light headed. I felt my eyes rolling back and then just as I was consumed by darkness I fell into a pair of arms.

{Evelyn's Point of View}

"I'm alright, just a little dizzy." Emily said, but she looked paler than usual.

[What did you do to her, Matthew?] I hissed.

[Nothing.] He lied to me.

Just then Emily fainted and Matthew caught her just in time.

[You did something all right.] I thought.

"You're home for more than two hours and you're already harassing my assistant." I barked at Matthew, who merely rolled his eyes at me. "Matthew I'm warning--"

"Stay away from Emily." We both said, but his voice was annoyed.

"I hear you mother." He lifted Emily into bridal style. "May I take her to her room now?"

I glared hard at my son. "Yes." He walks past me with Emily in her arms. Her scent of blood left in the air, the floral smell she always had.

{Matthew's Point of View}

Emily's blood flowed in her veins and as I had in my arms, I had to literally control myself from draining her dry. Every time I get around her most of instinct tell me to attack her, but there is a small part of me growing everyday to keep her safe in my arms.

Giving up my humanityOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz