Chapter 17~ Pure and innocent

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{Emily's Point of View}

I remember those last few days of my humanity fairly well. All that time I had a bad feeling at the pit of my stomach. It was warning me for something, but I thought I was fine, even though I was surrounded by vampires.

After the little confrontation with Matthew I headed down to the kitchen.

"Morning, Emily." Greeted Lara.

"Morning." I mumbled in a low tone. Right there it hit me like a brick. They were all vampires; I had been living with vampires!

"We know that you know, Emily." Lara smiled and flashed her fangs at me.

"Right." I looked at the ground in shame. "Do you know where Edward is?"

"His highness? Yes I believe he is in the dining room with the Heart-stein family." I sort of winced at the sound of 'highness', which was going to get some getting used to.

"Thank you, Lara." I said and walked out of kitchen and into the dining room.

Edward looked at me and smiled from ear to ear.

"Love," He stretched out his hand for me and I went to him.

"Morning." I curtsied to the family.

"I have some great news." Edward rose from his seat and took both of my hands, he elevated my hands close to his mouth and he kissed my knuckles.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You're moving in with me at my castle." I stared at him in disbelief.

"What?" I choked out.

"Are you not happy?" He raised an eyebrow and started to look hurt.

"No, no, it's not that," I said quickly. "It's just... overwhelming."

"Your bags should be ready; of course your family is coming as well." Edward said, he held so much happiness in his eyes but I knew this was wrong. I felt the danger in this but love was stronger than my will.

"Not my father." I added quickly; anger rose inside of me like wild fire. Edward noticed the fury inside of me and he frowned.

"What's wrong with your father?" Edward asked.

I looked away fighting the tears and the urge to scream.

"Nothing." I whispered.

"Are you sure?" Edward lifted my chin with one of his long cold fingers.

"Yeah... I'll tell you later." I promised.

"We should leave. I have to tell my parents about my fiancée." My eyes were wide like pan saucers.

"Huh?!" My mouth hanged open.

"Oh how wonderful!" Evelyn beamed; she rose from her seat and clapped a little.

"Edward." I gasped in incredulity.

Then, like he did in the garden three months ago, he got on one knee and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Emilia Halo Johnson... will you do me the honor and marry me?" He asked.

I could've fainted right there and then but somehow I was able to stay on my feet.

"What?" Matthew's voice came from the entrance of the dining room.

I heard a low growl coming from Edward; I looked back and forth between Edward and Matthew.

"Emily." Edward brought me back.

I looked at random things in the room.

[What do I do? I love Edward, right? I mean Matthew... Matthew makes me weak... he makes me... he's a womanizer.] I thought. [But... how can I marry Edward if my feelings for him are unsure?]

"Mattie!" The voice... that voice made me so angry. Madeline appeared next to Matthew and she clutched her arm around his.

[But then again... he could never be with me.] I thought.

I looked back to Edward and smile.

"Yes." I said.

"Emily." I heard Matthew call my name and a shot of electricity went through my heart and it pained me deeply. "Don't."

But it was too late, Edward had slipped the ring on and was now embracing me into a hug; he was careful not to cut my air supply.

{Matthew's Point of View}

She couldn't marry him. Why is it bothering me?

Emily was now gone, along with her family.

I was in my room debating with myself.

[Ugh! She's just a mortal and nothing more!] I yelled at myself.

"The how come I have this urge to kill Edward?!" I shouted.

[You've been with better women than her... she's... she's...]

"Pure and innocent, something I've never come across with." I slammed my fist into my wall creating a huge hole.

[She's turning into a vampire... she shouldn't do that.] I thought.

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