Chapter 15~ Prince of vampires

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Me? Why me?” I couldn’t help but to ask.

He smirks. “Because you and your brothers are special. I can’t say anything more; the less you know the better. For now, of course. Go inside and bring your brothers and sister. They’re in danger.” His tone became more serious.

“What is going on here?” I raised my voice in panic.

“I can’t tell you know, Emily. You’ll have to trust me.” I looked into his hazel eyes and nod.

“I’ll trust you and you better not let me down.” I warned.

“I won’t, I promise you.” He looked me straight in the eyes.

“What is your name anyways?” I asked. "I forgot it... sorry."

“Nicholas Harrison.” He held out his hand to shake.

I took it. “Emilia Halo Johnson. Call me Emily, all of my friends do… but there’s not a lot.”

“Quick go inside, get some necessities for you and your family and meet me here in half an hour.” He nudges his head towards the castle.

I nod.

I open the door of the car and run inside of the castle, trying to make no noise I took off my heels and threw them somewhere.

I sneaked in into the boys room and shook Jacob up.

"Jake, wake up!" I hissed in his ear and then did the same to the others.

"What's going on?" Jacob mumbled half-asleep.

I was already at their closet taking out their suit cases.

"Get some clothes and meet me in my room in five minutes. No questions, just do it." I told them and they nod.

I walk out of their room and go next door to Olivia's room. I slowly opened the door and found her sleeping soundly. I packed some of her clothes into her little suit case. I picked her up and she wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned her head on my shoulder and went back to sleep.

I went to my room and found the boys looking puzzled, except for Jacob he looked alert and confused.

I placed Olivia on my bed.

"Boys turn around, I need to talk off the girdle off of this stupid dress." They did as they were told and I quickly took off the girdle. The dress wasn't "puffy" any more but the bottom dragged on the floor. I ripped the bottom part of the dress so I could walk.

"Help me with my things, Jacob." He handed me my old suit case and I shoved some clothes in there. I zipped it closed and Jacob took Olivia's suit case. I carried Olivia again and she was still asleep.

"Where are we going?" James yawned.

"Home." I said flatly. I opened the door of my room and peeked out the hall way to make sure it was empty. "Good." I stepped out and made a right towards the kitchen. My plan was to go out through the kitchen back door, where Nicholas would be waiting for us. To safety.

"But... what about Edward?" Daniel asked. To even hear his name hurt me, it ached my heart.

I found my voice, somehow.

"There is no more Edward." I spat coldly.

"Emily, what is going on?!" James yelled.

"Sh!!" I hissed angrily. "We're going home and we're never coming back here again. I am your sister, you don't ask any question you do as you're told and that's final!!"

The boys were taken back by my outburst. Immediately, I regretted to have had yelled at them. I gave them an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry boys, there's no time to explain. I need to get us to safety." We were half-way down the hall and so close to the kitchen.

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