Chapter 7~ I got to keep her from falling for you

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The stars, on that particular night, were exceptionally beautiful. I had never stopped and looked at the stars like that night. I closed my eyes and thought about the latest events and tried to suppress them as much I as I could. Why had it bother me so much? It wasn't like I even liked the guy. He was a womanizer and of course rich. There was no possible way anything could've happened. He was high society and I was merely the assistant of his mother.

"What are you thinking?" Hunter's voice woke me. A little startled I looked over at him and smiled.

"Nothing." I lied.

He chuckled. "You're thinking about my cousin."

It wasn't a question. He was right.

"No." I lied and looked away trying to hide my red face.

"You're easy to read." He said.

"I know." I admitted shamely.

"It's a good thing. Though it makes you very vulnerable." He said. I gave out a shiver, it was cold and it was the beginning of winter. Hunter noticed and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and brought me closer to his body. But his body was cold as an ice cube. Again he noticed and took off his jacket and dropped it around my shoulders.

"Thank you, Hunter." I smiled at him.

"You look stunning under the stars." He whispered in my ear which raised my little hairs behind my neck.

"Really?" I asked. "Thanks." I turned away in shame. I was being like a ten year-old. I could feel Hunter's body coming down at me, slowly and with kissing intensions. He was only inches from me.

"What are you two doing out here?" Matthew's voice ruined the moment, not that it was going to happen. Actually, I don't remember if I had heard Matthew's steps? That was another clue.

Hunter and I looked at Matthew. I gave a confused look.

"Matthew." I sighed in frustration. "May I help you with something, Mr. Heartstein?"

"You didn't answer my question, what are you two doing out here?" He demanded.

"Excuse me sir, but I don't have to tell you my where abouts twenty-four/seven." I placed my hands on my hips. "I'm sorry, Hunter, I'm going back inside before I lose control and punch a certain someone." I walked past Matthew, not without giving him a death-glare.

{Matthew's Point Of View}

"Already made your move, huh?" I smirked at my dear cousin who grins widely.

He chuckles. "You just had to interrupt...I was so close."

"I got to keep her from falling for you." I admitted in a bit of shame.

"Let the games begin, mate." We shaked hands.

{Emily's Point of View}

We celebrated the New Year. I had some wine and chatted the rest of the night with Joanna. Edward tried to talk to me, but I kept a quiet conversation and I thought he got the memo, until he told Evelyn he was going to come the next day to just 'visit'. Yeah and I'm Wonder Women.

"Sleep well Emily." Joanna and I said our dues and she stepped into a fancy white car.

"Emily," Edward reached for my hand and placed a sweet kiss on it. "Until tomorrow good bye." I had to admit, his accent was still attractive.

"Night, Edward." I flashed him a sincere smile. His eyes never left mine until he stepped into his white car along with Joanna.

That night was a most rememberable one. I remember the night vividly and most of the time I always go back when Matthew kissed me, before I found out his real intentions. But I remember relief comforting me, because I knew Matthew had to leave soon, back to England and out of my life. I had hoped that by the next time I would see him I would be more prepared for his sudden kisses and irresistible voice.

As I watched my brothers and sister asleep, I couldn't help but to let the tears fall. I believe that was the last time I cried, after that I can't really remember. I care about their well being so much. I'd do anything for them. ANYTHING.

Like I had said, Matthew, shortly after New Year's Day, had to go back to England for his studies. I envied him for the expensive education he had and yet he was throwing it away. Who knows what he might've done if he actually finished college? Anyhow, I'm giving too much information.

Well like planned, Edward had come over the next several weeks. As I got to know him, I started to like him more and more. He confessed he was only trying to impress me on New Year's Eve. He said he did that a lot when he really liked a certain girl. He said a lot of beautiful things to me in English and in French. He taught me how to say "Hello, my name is," in French. I felt very comfortable around him and I knew I could trust him, that he wasn't playing me. It was all good.

What wasn't good was that Hunter kept bothering me. I mean, why would so incredibly good lookn' men look at me for? I wasn't something out of the ordinary. I was a simple girl from New Jersey, whom loved her family very much and never did anything exciting. I was nothing special. Or so I thought.

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