Chapter 22~ Changed

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A werewolf came from the other side of the road and tackled me inside the woods. I heard Edward call my name.

Me and the werewolf rolled around for a bit until we came to a stop and I landed a few feet away from the werewolf. It was a male because of his size and he was silver coat with black eyes. He was in attacking position. I rolled over and stood on my feet. I had a few scratches on my face and a big cut down my arms where he had gripped me and stabbed me with his nails.

I closed my eyes for a bit and then I felt my eyes change and a growl escaped from my mouth. My eyes were gold instead of gray. My fangs visible. The werewolf growls. Then it stands on its back legs and the fur coat goes away and there stands a naked man, well teenage boy. He was around eighteen, jet black hair and gray eyes like me. But he looked angry and his eyes held only hatred.

"So, you're the vampire prodigy; somehow I thought you would be... taller." The boy teased and I narrowed my eyes into a glare.

"You've heard about me." I smirked. "I take not good things."

"You killed my brother." His eyes flashed black.

"I've killed many I don't exactly keep count of whom I kill." I grinned. "And it's not like your kind hasn't killed father, sons and brothers as well."

"You have no idea why this war started." The boy hissed.

"You killed a vampire noble family." I said simply.

The boy smirked. "You're more ignorant than I thought."

This pissed me, he said I was ignorant.

"You have no idea how it feels to lose someone close to you. To lose someone in your family." He said, sadness clearly behind those angered eyes.

I sighed. "How about losing your entire reason of being?"

Sympathey and confusion flashed through his eyes but only for a single second, then he became enraged.

"Don't try to make me feel pity for you blood suckers!" He spat.

"I don't need pity, especially from you!" I hissed back.

He made the first move and me jumped towards me and in mid-air he changed and I dodged him without difficulty. He was acting out of emotions and wasn't thinking straight which made him more dangerous. He charged at me again and this time I raised my hand and he was hanging in mid-air unable to move. I had used my powers to stop him. I came closer to him and looked at him straight in the eyes.

"You're an amature... come back and fight me when you've learned to control yourself." I spat. I took out my gun and pointed it at his neck and shot, it was a tranquilizer gun. He fought for a second but the tranquilizer was stronger and he passed out. I placed my raised hand to my side and the werewolf fell to the ground with a loud "thud!"

I turn my heel and not so far away was a shocked Edward. I glared at him and once more my anger rised inside of me. I started to breathe faster, using the technique from earlier to calm myself down.

"You've changed." He choked out. I started walking towards him always looking into his eyes.

Just when I was about to past him I whispered.

"Guess why." I smirked and walked back out to the road, where a sobbing Anne came running to me and hugged me.

"Th-that was so horrid!!" She cried. I took hold of her shoulders and pulled her away from me.

"Hold yourself together!... ma'am." I said and remembered whom I was talking to, my future Queen.

Edward came out of the woods. "What now?" He asked.

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