Chapter 53

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Geoff looks between the two unfamiliar men standing in his living room. Both of them are very tall, well over six feet, both have dark hair, the taller one has a full beard, while the shorter one has more of a goatee. The both don suits, with red ties, though the bearded one is missing a jacket, wearing only the vest and adding a pair of black gloves, Geoff can only assume they were so he didn't get blood on his hands.

"Who-Who are you?" Geoff asks timidly. Not daring to meet the men's gaze.

"Well, my name is Hei, Hei Xiong. Most call me Junior. And my brother over here is Pauly. We are the Xiong brothers, of course along with our brother Donny, but he's currently outside keeping an eye on your little rugrats." The taller man, Junior, replies matter-of-factly.

"Don't hurt them!" Geoff begs at the mention of Gavin and Michael. The two men look at each other. They pause a second before laughing.

"Hurt them? Of course not! They're innocent children. No, we're here for Thomas. He owes us an unbelievable amount of money." Junior says, a smile on his face. "We could never hurt a child." Geoff stares at him.

"So, you're a gang, with morals?" He says without even realizing it.

"God no we are far too organized to be some petty street gang. We're mafia."

"But, yeah, mafia with morals." The other man, Pauly, adds, releasing his grip on Jack. "I mean come on, I'm a registered doctor."

"Yeah, and I have two kids of my own." Junior smiles. "We just don't take kindly to sleazy old men trying to literally sell their children to our associates in exchange for gambling money."

"Right, so speaking of. Where is the guy?"

"Wait what?" Jack asks, staring at the man. "What do you mean, 'sell his children'"

"Right, he said he'd sell my kidney to cover his debt!" Ryan chimes in, finding his voice.

"What?" All four men say in unison, prompting confused stares from Geoff and Jack.

"We meant the baby. He brought the kid to us weeks ago, and an associate of ours accepted, don't worry he has since been laid off, said the kid could be collateral." Junior explains, disgust clear in his voice. "People like that are despicable. Like I said, I'm a father, I can't imagine doing anything like that to my kids. Hell, I can't even tell them no." Junior smiles.

"Now, where is he?" Pauly asks. Geoff looks between the two before moving out of the doorway.

"In here."

"Perfect." Pauly walks into the kitchen, returning less than a minute later, Thomas, still unconscious, draped over his shoulder. "You do this kid?" He looks at Ryan. Ryan nods cautiously. "Nice arm kid. He's out cold. Took me weeks of training to learn how to knock out a man four times my size with one hit." Pauly fishes around in his pocket for a moment. "You ever want to get into the business, give us a call." He hands the kid his card.

"Or if someone messes with you, any of you. Now that we have him, the Xiongs and the Hunters are even. Consider us friends. You need anything. Call us." Junior smiles before the two walk out the front door.

"Wait, what about Ray?" Geoff yells after them.

"Junior turns around to look at them, maybe you should come collect your other kids." He says with a wink before slipping on his red sunglasses.

Geoff and Jack look at each other before sprinting out to their car, finding one more, unfamiliar man standing next to it. This one must be Donny, he certainly looked similar enough to the others, only shorter, still about six feet tall, but compared to the other two that is a significant difference. The biggest difference between him and his brothers, however, is that he uses crutches. Why? They may never know, but it doesn't matter. He nodded towards them before returning to his brothers' van and climbing in.

"Remember, you need anything, anything at all, call us." Junior yells out of the driver's window before driving away.

Geoff, Ryan, and Jack look at each other, then to the car. One door opens, and out hops Michael, Gavin, and Ray. Each holding some new toy, and Ray with completely new clothes entirely, a little black suit with a red tie.

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