Ch. 3

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Geoff's POV~~

"Gavin! Michael! Are you coming?!" I yell as I help ray put on his coat, then his shoes.
"Gavin! Get out of my way!" Michael yells as he pushes his brother to the side and runs over, and starts struggling with his shoes.
"Michael! Don't push Gavin!" I rush over to the, now crying boy on the floor. "Michael, say you're sorry."
"Sorry Gavvy..."he said, handing Gavin his coat.
"It's okay Micoo!" Gavin said cheerfully taking his coat and attempting to figure out how to put it on.
"Michael. Help you're brother."
"Fiine..." he walks over and shows Gavin how to put on his coat. As I finish helping ray I pick him up and turn around.
"Okay! you guys ready to go?" I saw Gavin sitting on the floor playing with his creeper toy and Michael putting his last shoe on.
"...Yup!" they both stood up and I grabbed Gavin's hand.
"Llllllllllllllllllllet's go!"
~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~

We walk into the store. Gavin tried to run down one of the aisles to get to the candy, but I tighten my grip on his hand and I pull him over to the shopping carts and place Ray in one then I look back at Gavin and Michael playfully shoving each other. I reach down and pick them up placing them both in the cart and push them along and pull out my list. we walked down the cookie aisle and suddenly six little arms were reaching out and knocking things into the cart.

Ryan's POV
I heard Geoff leave with Michael Gavin and Ray. So I got up from where I laid on my bed and wondered out of my room. I saw at least half of Gavin Michael And rays toys on the floor. "man how much do they need to play with it at once?..."
I cleaned up their stuff and wondered through the house. I glanced into Ray's room and saw small toy room floor. I walked over to pick it up. He was soft, and old. It was an old cow plushy. "Edgar? What are you doing here?" I carried him back into my room. I got down on my knees and carefully pried up a floorboard. This is where I always had my stuff. Only what's really important though. I placed Edgar back in his hole and reach in for another one of my treasures. A small picture frame. In it shows Geoff, Jack, Michael, Gavin, me, mom, and the body of someone who's face was cut out of it, and the small infant tapped on in its place. Ray. I pulled the picture to my chest and let out a sigh, "I miss you mom..." I look up, "but don't worry. We're okay. Geoff, Jack, and I have been taking care of the boys." I placed the picture back of the floor. And place the board back over the hole. Suddenly the silence around me erupted into loud yelling, and laughter.
"COMING!" I look back down at the floor board. "How did Ray even get Edgar anyway?..."
"Crap..." I sprint out the door to go help Geoff.

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