Chapter 27 (human skin)

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*no ones POV*

A month had past since you and Anti had found out about her being pregnant, and she was starting to get a baby bump. You had gotten over your morning sickness which made you very happy since you didnt have to run to the bathroom every few minutes, granted now you crave things but Anti tried his best to get what ever you wanted. 

*TIME SKIP CAUSE IM FUCKING LAZY (also idk where to go from there)*

I was sitting on the couch eating some (T/P)(TYPE OF FOOD), that Anti was so kind enough to get me. I heard the bed room door shut and Anti walked into the room he walked over to me and sat next to me.

"Deary we still need to talk about..." he started but faded off.

"I know, but what are we going to do? There really isnt anything we can do," i told him, i know he cant get a job cause if he could i would try to talk him into doing that.

"Well i have an idea, well two but lets leave the second one out unless the first one doesnt work," Anti started i nodded to show him i was listening. "First off i could try and figure out a way to make money, which there are a lot ways to that, like i can go on more jobs, or i could try to do it the human way, but if neither of those work we should put the kid up for adoption." I thought about it for a moment before speaking.

"But Anti how would get a normal job?" i asked him.

"You mean a human job?" He asked i nodded in response. "Well, um... we really havent used this in a long while since you know humans really dont hunt demons any more but we use human skin as mask, and well i think you get the picture."

"What do you mean a mask made from skin, from a human?" I asked i was a bit creep out.

"Yes, back then it was the humans killing demons, but if you want to know how it works follow me," Anti told me as he walked towards the hallway. I followed after him. "You remember the door i told you to never to go thru, well you will find out why." We walked into a small room, it had skins piled up on a table, there was a shelf that had a jar of different kinds of eyeballs and a box full of hair. I shuddered at the site and the thoughts running through my head.

"Anti, did you have to do this stuff to survive?" is all that i could get out of my mouth. Anti only nodded in response.

WHOOO FINALLY ANOTHER FUCKING CHAPTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i may end it after she has the baby as i been have writers block but i will make a second book to this book later on. but either way look at this less disturbing picture of anti, and look how attractive he his. 

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