Chapter eighteen (another incident)

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*Normal POV*

Anti was going to go somewhere (To lazy to think of an actually place) to do a job. You where going to stay since you weren't well at using your demon abilities yet. When Anti left you were at Dark's place as Anti didnt trust Blade knowing you be home alone.

"Don't do anything stupid while you over there," Dark told him as Anti chuckled.

"I will be fine, this isnt my first time doing this," Anti said as he turned to you. "I know i dont really need to tell you this but please just stay away from Blade."

"I will Anti promise," you smiled, even though you were sad it was only for a week that he would be gone. After you two hugged and kissed Anti teleported away to where was going.

*Dark POV*

I saw him teleported away, (Y/N) looked a bit sad. "Hey knowing him, he'll be back in two days," I told her. 

"I know just this will be the first time doing a kill with out him," she said.

"Ah speaking of that you have what you need?" I asked her, "I have plenty of knifes and shit for you to use tonight."

"Yeah Anti picked me out a few knives for me to use," she said, as i noticed that she had a knife with the green handle.

"Did he give you his knife to use?" i asked he only used the knife once that was the night we changed her.

"Yes but im only to use if i have no other choice," She said.


I get there I open (Y/N) is ok im sure she will be with Dark, I know he would let Blade get his dirty hands on her. I also know she has my knife if she needs. I go to the place where the person that was ordered to be killed was. I walk up to this old building this was the place it was creepy, but i walked in any ways.

When i walked in the doors shut behind me and there was no one in the building. "Is there anyone here?" I called out normal cases like this there at least one person in the places besides me.

"Hello Anti," a voice said as the person hit me in the back of the head knocking me out.


I woke up in a cell, i had shackles on my wrist and ankles. "WHO ARE YOU?!" i called out, wanting an answer.

"Im your worst nightmare," the person stepped into light i could see their face.

"BLADE!" I yelled as i tried to lung foward to get him, but i was pulled back as i was chained to the wall.

"Im getting my pay back for all the pain you caused me," Blade said as he entered the cell took a knife and made shallow cuts into my skin, laughing as i grunted in pain.


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