Chapter 26 (no names)

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(before we get started i want to say srry that i havent been updating shit, i just been having major writter's block also my h button on my keyboard is kinda screwy but figure i start here since it been forever since i updated it :D)


You and Anti got back from the store with the test, Anti waited in the living room with Dark while you went to pee on the stick. 

"So what are you going to do if (y/n)'s pregnant?" Dark asked Anti.

"Im not sure, mean shit what can i do. Its not like i can get a job, im a fookin' demon for crying out loud," Anti said as was trying to think of something he could do.

"Well maybe now you remember protection," Dark said, Anti just growled at him in annoyance. Mean while you came out of the bathroom, with the test in your hand.

"Well what did is say?" Anti asked.

"It came out positive," you say weekly before running back to the bathroom throwing up again.

"fooking hell," Anti said under his breath.

"well i should head home," Dark said before he poofed off. You can out of the bathroom, and sat on the couch.

"everything will be ok, we will figure this out i promise," Anti said softly with a small smile.

"But Anti how are we going care for it?" you asked him.

"just let me worry about that deary," he said as he pulled you into his arms and cuddled with you.

OK im leaving this chapter here :) i hope you like it AGAIN IM SOO SRRY FOR LACK OF WRITTING    

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